Imagine #1 (Part Two) - The Gang

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Word Count: 1416


You wake up with a pounding headache and groan. Pain eats away at your face, a reminder of what went down last night.

Something trickles down your swollen cheeks, and you realize that you've started crying. Sniffling, you try unsuccessfully to suppress the tears.

You didn't cry at all last night, so why now?

A soft knock on the door startled you out of your thoughts. You swipe away the tears, wincing at the pain the action causes, "Yeah?"

At your response, the door opens to reveal a smiling Sodapop, a grinning Steve, and a concerned Darry.

"Y/n, you doing alright?" Darry questions.

You nod a little, "Yeah. I'm fine. Thanks for letting me crash here."

"You know you're always welcome, it's just too bad it was under these circumstances," he smiles sincerely.

"I know, right," you chuckle, "I don't know what I'd do without you guys."

Two-Bit pops his head over Darry's shoulder, "You'd be dead in a ditch, that's for sure."

You laugh as Steve smacks Two-Bit over the head. The laughter pulls at the stitches in your face, making you wince and whine in pain.

They stop joking around as they see the pain you're in.

"Could you get me a painkiller?" You ask no one in particular.

Darry nods and goes off to do as you asked.

"We've gotta get to work soon, N/n," Soda informs you.

"Yeah, I figured. I'll just sleep a bit longer if that's okay."

"You can stay the night again," he says.

They all know your home life isn't the greatest and that you wouldn't be welcome back in your current state.

"Thanks, Soda," you smile as Darry gets back.

You accept the painkiller and glass of water as Darry speaks.

"We gotta get to work, but you're welcome to stay. Pony and Johnny don't have school today, Two ain't got nothing better to do, and Dally'll be over later."

Tiredness has set in again, causing your eyes to flutter closed. "Mhmm," you acknowledge.

"See ya, N/n."

The boys say goodbye and quietly shut the door behind them, leaving you to sleep.


"Man, she's in rough shape," Steve notes.

Darry looks grim, "I've never seen her this beat before."

Even Two looks serious. "When we find the Socs that did this, they'll pay."

"We'd better get going," Soda says as he grabs his work shirt and walks out the door with the boys behind him.


It's been two days since you were jumped, and you're doing a whole lot better.

Your face isn't swollen anymore and it's lost its redness. You have a wicked bruise on your side, which hurts when you move too much.

All in all, you're feeling good, despite the smarting wounds.

Two-Bit, Ponyboy, and Johnny made great company when you could hardly stand without getting dizzy.

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