Imagine #3 - The Gang (Curtis Sister)

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A/n - you're the Curtis' sister in this one, around the same age as Sodapop.

Word Count: 684


"Y/n, have you seen my work shirt?" Your brother Soda questions.

He stands at your bedroom door, looking at your previously sleeping form.

You groan, "It's not in your closet?"

"No," he looks at you with puppy-dog eyes, "Can you please help me?"

Sighing, you stand up and go to the laundry room. You move a strategically placed lump of clothes and uncover Soda's missing shirt, "Ta-da."

He beams and quickly puts the shirt on top of his white one, "Gee, thanks Y/n! I never would've found it without you!"

You grumble and head back into your comfy bed. Faintly, you hear the sound of the shower going and hear Pony get out of his room. Darry must be in the shower, because Pony walks by your open door.

Why didn't you close it?

"You might as well get up," Pony states as he walks by again.

You shake your head, "No, leave me alone."

He laughs and heads into the kitchen. After a few minutes, you hear Darry get out of the shower, so you get up.

"I'm having a shower! Don't come in!" You yell to your brothers.

The bathroom lock is busted so accidentally walking in on someone is not far fetched.

"Okay!" Soda hollers back.

Satisfied, you shut the door and prepare the shower. Shedding your pyjamas, you slink underneath the hot water.

A few minutes pass of blissful showering before you hear the door open.

"Hey, Soda-" a voice asks, entering the steamy bathroom.

"I'm not Soda!" You shriek, covering yourself with your hands even though there is a shower curtain blocking you from sight.

The intruder turns around, "Shoot! Sorry, Y/n, I didn't know, I swear!"

You recognize Johnny's voice and he seems scared to death, "It's okay, Johnny, I know it was an accident."

"What's an accident?" A cocky voice questions as Dally enters the scene.

"Dally, get out!" You screech, still trying to protect yourself from view.

He laughs, "Why would I do that?"

"'Cause I'll kill you, and then Darry'll kill you," you threaten.

"What's all the ruckus in here?" Two-Bit pops into the bathroom, having heard your outraged shriek. "We having a party or something?"

You sigh, "It's too early in the morning for this."

"It's never too early for a party, doll."

You can imagine his huge goofy grin and Dally's sly smirk. Johnny's probably sneaked out by now.

"Maybe we should get some ice water, cool you off," Two suggests.

"Or do you want us to join you?" Dally asks, reaching towards the curtain.

"That's it! Get the hell out!"

Two-Bit laughs hysterically but someone interrupts him.

Darryl clears his throat and crosses his arms, "What are you two doin'?! Get out of here!"

Dally and Two-Bit make a swift exit, afraid of your older brother's wrath.

"Thanks, Dare," you call as he slams the door shut.


Fully clothed and wearing a scowl, you stalk into the anthem where everyone's eating breakfast.

You grab a plate and start eating without a word. Darry sends a pointed look towards the two boys who've put you in a bad mood.

Johnny is the first to speak up, even though you aren't mad at him. "S-sorry, Y/n."

Your expression softens, "Hey, Johnnycake it's okay, I'm not mad at you."

He looks relieved at your reassurance. Ponyboy follows him outside, since they finished eating. They're probably going to play catch with the football or something.

Two-Bit breaks the silence once they're out, "Y/n, I'm sorry too."

You nod curtly. You always found it hard to stay mad at Two, he's just a giant goofball most of the time.

Dallas coughs, "Yeah, sorry. We shouldn't've invaded your privacy or whatever."

Dally never apologizes. Ever.

Darry must have really threatened him good. The thought makes you smile, "I forgive you guys, but don't do it ever again or I'll beat the tar outta you. You dig?"

They nod.


Finished with your meal, you place the dishes on counter.

"Dally, you and Two can do dishes."

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