Imagine #5 - Dallas Winston

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A/n - you're the Curtis sister in this one too.

Word Count: 855


You stare at the ceiling of your room. The bedroom is solely yours, since Ponyboy and Sodapop sleep together. Soda started doing that when Pony started having nightmares.

Nightmares haunt you too, but they aren't as severe as Pony's. Yours just leave you aching and scared to move, while his leave him screaming and terrified.

You don't mind the nightmares, because at least you get sleep when you have them. It's the sleeplessness that really gets to you.

You hate not being able to sleep.

Sometimes, you lie in bed for hours before falling asleep for only half an hour before waking up again. Interrupted sleep is torture.

Even when you're too tired to keep your eyes open, your body just refuses to sleep. It happens once in awhile, so your brothers haven't noticed.

You're scared that you'd be taken away from them if anyone ever found out, so you haven't told anyone.

Sitting upright, you focus on the wall. There's a small crack in it from when you got mad and threw something at it. You study it before quietly standing.

Draping a fuzzy blanket over your shoulders like a cape, you crack open the bedroom door and tiptoe down the stairs.

Thirst has been gnawing at your stomach for a while, so you decided to get some water and maybe try sleeping on the couch.

When you can't sleep, it helps to relocate to the couch for some reason. You even put the tv on quietly to supply some background noise when you do lie on the couch.

The last step creaks as your foot lands on it. You stop moving for a second, waiting a full minute before continuing to the facet. Ignoring the need for a cup, you drink from the facet, leaning over the sink.

Swiping your lips, you turn around and make your way to the couch.

Stunned, you freeze as you are met with the sight of a sleeping Dallas Winston.

He's wearing his old brown leather coat and has one arm tucked underneath his head. He looks adorable when he's sleeping, lips slightly parted.

Gulping, you clutch your blanket tightly. You realize that you've been staring, so you turn and start to leave.

A hand clamps around your wrist, startling you. You squeak and turn around, heart hammering away inside your chest.

He meets your gaze and loosens his grip, "C'mere."

Dally gently tugs on your arm and repositions himself so that there is room beside him on the couch.

Uncertain, you look at him. His expression is hard to read, as usual, but he seems relaxed. He looks at you expectantly.

You sigh and accept his invitation, lying down beside his. Your back faces his chest and his arm wraps around you.

"Can't sleep?" He asks in a low voice.

Nodding, you move the blanket so that it covers the both of you, "Yeah."

He hums in response and pulls you closer, "Maybe this'll help."

A smile makes its way into your face as he kisses your cheek. He's always had a soft spot for you.

"Thanks, Dal," you whisper, closing your eyes.

His only answer is the rise and fall of his chest. Sleep actually comes to you swiftly for once.

Snuggled in Dally's arms, you relax and dream of sweet things.


Darry yawns and walks down the stairs, Soda right behind him.

"What are we having for breakfast?" Soda questions his brother, drinking chocolate milk from the carton.

Darry shrugs, "I don't know, eggs?"

"Sure, I-" Soda pauses as he looks into the living area.

Shocked, he blinks before slapping Darry's shoulder.


Soda doesn't say anything, simply pointing at the couch. Darry rolls his eyes and looks.

There, cuddled together, lie Y/n and Dallas of all people.

Her fuzzy blanket is tangled around their legs, and her cheek is pressed against his chest. His arms are resting on her sides, one hand holding a fistful of blanket.

The two brothers look at them in confusion.

"What the hell?"


You open your eyes, looking straight into Darry's grim expression. Jolting upright, you wake Dallas.

"Huh-?" He groans, sitting up as you fall into the floor.

"It's not what it looks like," you explain as you get up. "I couldn't sleep, and I needed water so I came down here, and then I was gonna sleep on the couch, but Dal was there, but then he let me lay with him, and I fell asleep-"

"Relax, Y/n, you're not in trouble," your oldest brother assures you.

You rub your eyes and sit next to Dally, who look great for having just woken up.

Darry walks back into the kitchen and Soda smirks. "So, you and Dally, huh?"

You blush.

Dally throws the rolled up blanket at your laughing brother, "Yeah, got a problem with that, Sodapop?"

"No, but if you hurt her, Darry and me'll kill ya," he's actually serious.

"I'd never hurt her, man."

You smile and peck Dally's cheek, "Id never hurt you either."

"I know, babe."

He kisses your forehead as Pony comes down the stairs.

"Glory! What'd I miss?"

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