Imagine #2 - Dallas Winston

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Imagine meeting a certain someone at the drive in theater.

Word Count: 775


You smile shyly at the boy behind you at the drive in theater as you casually look over your shoulder. Fixing your attention back on the movie, you wonder if he noticed.

He's sitting beside his friends, who you recognize as Ponyboy Curtis and Johnny Cade.

You only know those two because you ran into them awhile back. They had been walking down the street that you had happened upon when you were avoiding your ex. You had gotten them talking and took an instant liking to them.

Being from the middle class, you try to avoid the drama of Socials versus Greasers as much as possible. You always try to judge someone based on personal experience instead of rumours and stereotypes.

Maybe you should go say hi to them, then they might introduce you to their handsome friend. The guy with the dark hair, aloof smirk, and stunning eyes.

Working up the courage, you're about to make your move but they beat you to it.

"Hey, Y/n," Johnny greets, "Mind if we sit here?"

You shake your head and smile, "Go ahead. Fancy seeing you here."

"Yeah," Ponyboy smiles back.

They take the two seats to your left and their nameless friend sits on your right.

"Who's your friend?" You ask at the same time as the handsome stranger. Blushing, you avoid his smirking expression and instead look at Ponyboy.

"Dally, this is Y/n. Y/n, this is our buddy, Dallas Winston," Johnny supplies.

Dallas Winston, the notorious Greaser known for his devilish good looks and his love for breaking the law. Infamous for many reasons and proud of his criminal record.

Yet his smile could melt anyone's heart.

You smile shyly, "Nice to meet you."

"What's a pretty girl like you doing going to the movies all alone?" He flashes his pearly whites in a smirk.

Johnny shakes his head, "Leave her alone, Dal."

"It's fine, Johnny," you acknowledge the tan-skinned boy. "I wanted to see a movie, didn't have anyone to go with, so here I am."

"Well, it's your lucky night," he says, scooting closer to you.

You chuckle, "Yeah, it is lucky that Pony and Johnny are here, isn't it?"

His smirk falters, but Johnny and Pony smile widely. The movie is getting pretty boring, and the acting isn't even good.

"Hey, want some popcorn?" Dally questions in a low voice, clearly as bored of the movie as you are.

Standing, you nod, "Sure, I'll come with."

Pony and Johnny are fixated on the movie, so they don't respond to your actions. Dally leads the way to the concession, walking with exaggerated swagger.

Once there, you grab two popcorns and motion for Dallas to do the same, "For the others, my treat."

"Hey, you don't gotta do that. I can pay," he states as you pull out the money.

"I wanna," you reply as you purchase the treats.

He shrugs and follows you back to the bench. You hand the boys their popcorn, much to their surprise.

"Wow, thanks, Y/n!"

"Yeah, thanks!"

You smile at them before sitting down again. Dally takes the spot beside you and pulls out a smoke, lighting it dangerously close to your cheek with a devilish smirk.

Rolling your eyes, you pluck the cigarette out of his mouth before taking a drag, "Thanks for sharing."

His smirk turns into one of pleasant surprise as you hand the smoke back.

"No problem, doll."

As the movie progresses, Dally drapes an arm around your shoulders. He smells like smoke, cologne, and pine.

Eventually, you give in and lean against his warm chest as the cold wind picks up. You can't see it, but his smile grows as you relax.

When the movie is over, you stand to your feet along with the boys.

"Thanks for sitting with me," you say with a smile.

"Anytime," is Johnny's reply.

Ponyboy nods his assent and goes to walk with Johnny ahead of you and Dallas.

Dallas shoves his hands into the pockets of his jean jacket and keeps pace beside you. You smirk and link arms with him, to his disbelief. He gets over it quickly though and grins.

"Can I walk you home?"

You smile graciously, "If you want. It's not too far away."

He nods and you walk home with him, talking all the while.

"We should do this again sometime," he suggests.

You raise an eyebrow, "Sometime soon?"

"Yeah, sure."

"How 'bout Sunday?"

"Sounds good. I'll pick up up around eight?"

You nod, "Sure. See you then."

Slowly, you close the door and break into a huge smile.

This was a great night!

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