Chapter 1: 100th Day on Earth-ni

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Star and Marco locked and blocked the door as best as they could trying to keep the monsters out, "Marco! We're outnumbered, what are we gonna do?!" Star exclaimed. Marco knew only one of them was gonna make it out of this and he knew it had to be Star, Marco sighed, "Star, take these..." Marco hands Star his dimensional scissors, "Your dimensional scissors?!" Star exclaimed, "I'll stall them as best as I can, you try to find help so we can defeat these monsters." Marco puts the scissors into Star's hand, "Marco...." before Star could finish, Marco enveloped her in a hug, "Just remember Star, I'll always love you..." Star in tears hugs back, "I'll always love you too Marco" Star holding back tears, open a portal and heads through it, "Good luck Star..." Marco whispered as the portal closed, Marco readied himself as the monsters busted down the door.

"HAPPY 100TH DAY ON EARTH-NI STAR!!!" Mr. and Mrs. Diaz shouted, "Oh my gosh, a surprise party for me?!" Star exclaimed, "Well yeah, this is your one hundredth day on Earth Star, and what kind of party would this be without a gift from your best boyfriend ever?" Marco said with joy, "Awww Marco your too sweet." Star said blushing in her cheeks. Marco pulled out a box from the closet that was neatly wrapped with blue wrapping paper and a pink ribbon, "Took me 3 months to make but it was worth it, I think you'll like it Star.", Star tore into the gift and opens the box to see an action figure size model of Mewni Castle, Star gasps "Marco, it's perfect!", Marco show's Star everything it has, "You can do everything with it, it can be for decoration or to play with, I made little figures of all of us for it too, see this is a little you, a little me, even little versions of our parents.", Star couldn't contain her joy, "Marco... I..." Star teared up with joy, "Is it too much, I can get you something bet-" before Marco could finish he was locked in a kiss with Star. "Marco, I love it, thank you so much." Marco smiled, "Heh, your welcome Star, but that's not all.", Star looked at Marco confused, "Huh? What do you mean?", Marco then pulled out two tickets to the live concert of Love Sentence. Star gasped "Marco, you got tickets to Love Sentence?! But I thought they sold out!" Marco replied with confidence "I got them in advance, since this will be their last live concert here before they continue their tour around the world." 

Meanwhile on the Mewni part of Earth-ni, Queen Moon and Eclipsa were having a chat, "So do you think Toffee is gone for good this time?" Eclipsa asked Moon, "I hope so Eclipsa, last time he showed up he nearly killed Star." Eclipsa thought for a moment, "How exactly was he defeated?" Moon thought hard about it, "Well, Star blasted him with a big and bright death laser which left him weak, then Ludo crushed him with a stone pillar... why?" Eclipsa's look went from curious to shocked, "Moon, we need to warn Star now!" Moon looked confused, "Why? He's long dead, that pillar killed him." "No Moon, I've dated a Septarian before, they dont die by just being crushed by a big pillar!" Eclipsa exclaimed, "You mean... HE'S STILL ALIVE?!" Moon shouted, Eclipsa nodded. "We've got to warn Star, where is she at right now?!" Moon said panicking, "I believe she's hanging out with that boy again, Darco was it?" Eclipsa asked, "You mean Marco?" Moon asked, "Yes, him. She's with him at the earth part of Earth-ni." Eclipsa said but then realized something about Septarians, Eclipsa gasped as she realized, "Moon, Septarians on need a few months to regain full strength, how long has it been since he was defeated?!" Moon thought about and gave an answer that made Eclipsa gasp so loud all of Mewni could hear it, "5 years ago, why?", Eclipsa grabbed as much stuff as she could, "Moon, it only takes a few months for a Septarian to regain full strength, we need to hurry!" Moon hurried to her room and gathered some of her helpful stuff and got her battle armor on before she and Eclipsa left for the Earth part of Earth-ni. 

Star and Marco payed a visit to their friends houses before they head to the live concert, "First up, Starfan13's house." Star said, Marco rings the doorbell and Starfan13 opens the door now looking different no longer having her braces or glasses, now having a new headband made from tin foil and snap back plastic, her dress a new blue skirt and sea green shirt, her cheek marks no longer drawn on but tattooed on, and lastly her wings sewn onto the shirt, finally Starfan13 spoke, "Oh Star, Marco what a surprise. What brings you two here?" Star and Marco were shocked to see her so different, "We were just visiting, but Starfan, you look so different now." Star said in shock, "Oh yeah my new look, well ever since Mewni and Earth merged into one as well as some other worlds, I decided I needed a new look for the new world." Starfan13 said with confidence, "Well we're just stopping by to say hi since we haven't seen you all since Mewni and Earth merged into one." Marco said holding Star's hand, after visiting Jackie, Tom and Janna, soon after they decided to head to Britta's Tacos for some lunch before heading to the concert. "Ahhh Britta's Tacos, my favorite place for tacos." Marco said, Star giggled "I figured you would want to get some lunch before we leave for the concert." Marco nodded, "Yeah, some lunch before the concert sounds great.", they took a seat and ordered the Taco Couple Family Pack as they had a special on it for that day. 

Moon and Eclipsa searched the Diaz's house as Mr. and Mrs. Diaz were out with Mariposa, "She has to be here!" Moon said in a panicking tone, "Don't worry Moon, we'll find her, she's never away from Marco." Eclipsa said with confidence in her voice, "Yes, your probably right Eclipsa, we just have to look elsewhere for them." As they head out of the house Moon remembered the dark spell had the side effect, "Oh no...", Eclipsa looks at Moon confused, "What is it Moon?", Moon looked at Eclipsa, "I forgot about the hidden part of our deal, you know..." Eclipsa knew what she was talking about, "We can find a way to stop it, I know we can. But right now, let's focus on finding Star before Toffee does." Moon nodded and they continued to look for Star and Marco. Later on that day, Star and Marco were viewing the sunset on the pier till it was time for the concert. "I always like looking at the sunset, and I enjoy having this moment with you Star." Marco said as the sun slowly set into the ocean, "I enjoy having this moment with you too Marco." Star said as she leaned in and kissed Marco on the cheek making his moon shaped cheek marks appear, "That's strange...." Marco looked at Star, "What is?" Marco asked, "Your able to make your cheek marks appear, even though we destroyed the magic so many years ago." Marco looked into the water remembering that, "Oh yeah, I forgot about that, I guess we got so used to not having magic that I kinda just forgot about it, sorry Star." Star looked at Marco smiling, "Hey, it's ok Marco, it's just... I really miss using my magic, I miss beating up monsters with narwhal blasts and jelly bean hallucination mists." Marco knew how she felt, "Yeah I understand Star, and to be honest I kinda miss magic too, I miss using my dimensional scissors and going to anywhere in the universe." Star couldn't believe it, Marco knew exactly how she felt, without thinking Star embraced Marco in a hug, "You do understand how I feel Marco...", Marco hugged back as he would always be there for Star, no matter what.

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