Chapter 4: Search of the Space Gem

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The carriage landed in the Underworld, as Star looked around to see what they needed, Tom spoke up, "All the historical stuff we have is in our top security zone, and they wont even let me into that area." he said pointing to the area, "Hmmmmm, guess we're gonna have to sneak into there then." Star said, Tom looked at Star shocked, "If you try to sneak in there, they won't hesitate Star! They will kill you on sight!" He said shocked, "Well we have to do something Tom, the fate of Earth-ni depends on it!" Marco said with determination, then Marco had an idea. Marco looked over to Janna who was taking pictures of all the creepy stuff there and got a bright idea, "Janna!" Marco shouted, "Jeez calm down, I was just taking a picture." Janna said not knowing why Marco yelled at her, "No, not that Janna, we need you to cause a distraction so we can sneak into the historical area without being detected." Marco said, "Oh, you can count on me for that." Janna said with a devious smile on her face, Marco knew what that face meant so him and Star hid while Tom went with Janna to distract the guards. Star and Marco waited for the right moment and they sneaked into the historical section of the Underworld, "Alright, now to find a relic that will let us travel to another dimension." Star said while she looked around.

Star and Marco looked at every relic there was without getting spotted by the guards, but found nothing that could help them travel to a different dimension, "Find anything Marco?" Star asked, "Nothing..." Marco said shaking his head, Star continued to look around to find something and she comes across something interesting. Star approached the strange looking gem and looked at the transcription, "The Space Gem, this gem is sacred to traveling to different realms across the multiverse.", Marco looked at Star, "You think that's what we're looking for?" he asked, "I don't know... but it's our best bet..." Star said as she grabbed the gem, but before they could get out, they were caught by the guards and were taken to the king and queen of the Underworld, Wrathmelior and Dave Lucitor. "Star, Marco... We expected more from you, having good relations with your kingdom and all.... but I would like to know, why would even try to steal the Space Gem?" King Lucitor asked demandingly, "Well King Lucitor, it's because Earth-ni is in danger, Toffee has returned and he's kidnapped my mom and Eclipsa, we need to bring the magic back and save them, but we can't do it without them, so we thought going to a different realm and finding people of the Butterfly bloodline there to help us..." Star said defeated, "Star... you don't need to go to another realm to get the Butterfly Bloodline, you ARE the Butterfly Bloodline, you defeat monsters on a daily basis, saved worlds countless times, you dont need a whole army, you just need you and your friends..." King Lucitor said reassuring Star. 

Star thought about what he said, and realized he's right, she might not have Glossaryck, but she still has her fighting skills, "You know King Lucitor, your right... I may not be able to bring the magic back, but I can still fight. Come on guys lets go." Star said determined. Star, Marco, Tom, and Janna left the Underworld and were back at Tom and Janna's house. "So, what's the plan now Star?" Marco asked, "I don't know, without the Space Gem, I don't know if we're gonna be able to bring the magic back." Star said, Tom reached into his pocket and pulled out the Space Gem, "Don't tell my parents this, we all know the fate of Earth-ni is in your hands now Star." Tom said as he handed Star the gem, "Tom, thank you so much" Star said as she hugged Tom, "You might want to hurry though, who knows if Toffee's minions are looking for you." Tom said, "Good idea, Star do you have your wand?" Marco asked, "No, I left back at your house since it wouldn't work anymore." Star replied, "Well we better get back there and get it, since this gem might give you enough power to open a portal." Marco said, but as they were about to head out the front door, there was a loud knock at the door, "Oh no they're already here, quick use the back door, good luck Star." Tom said, Star and Marco run out the back door as Tom answers the door, "Good day Tom, you may not recognize me but your old Butterfly friend may..." Toffee said as he walked in.

Star and Marco ran through the streets to get back to the Diaz house, but were soon spotted by Toffee's henchmen who immediately go after them, "Star we gotta hurry, they've spotted us!!!" Marco yelled, "If only my wand was working, then I could use narwhal blast to make them loose sight of us!!!" Star yelled, Star and Marco hid behind a building and waited for them go pass them. "Are they gone?" Marco asked, "Looks like it... We better hurry Marco." Star said and soon they made it back to the Diaz house. Star and Marco barricaded the door's as best as they could, "Wait, what about your parents Marco?!" Star asked realizing Marco's parents weren't in the house, "Don't worry Star, they're visiting my grandma for the week." Marco said reassuring Star, "Where's your wand?!" Marco asked, "It should be in my room!" Star said, they ran up to their bedroom and they saw the wand sitting by Star's bed, "Time to wake old friend..." Star said as she grabbed the wand and put the Space Gem into it and the wand powered up and Star felt the magic course through her once again, Star was soon lifted off the ground by her wand, "Woah!! What's happening?!" Star screamed then the room filled with a bright flash so bright the whole of Earth-ni could see it. The room cleared and Marco saw Star on the floor, "Star!! Are you ok?!" Marco asked as Star slowly woke up, "Ngh.... Yeah Marco... I'm fine..." Star said as she slowly got up, "Uhhhh Star...." Marco said while looking at Star, "What is it Marco?" Star asked looking confused, she then looked down at her cheeks and saw what he was seeing, her heart shaped cheek marks were back, "Marco, get the spell book..." Star said ready to use magic again, Marco grabbed the spell book but saw Toffee's minions walking to the front door, "Star, they found us!!" Marco screamed, Star grabbed Marco's hand and they ran to the shed in the backyard.

 Star and Marco locked and blocked the door as best as they could trying to keep the monsters out, "Marco! We're outnumbered, what are we gonna do?!" Star exclaimed. Marco knew only one of them was gonna make it out of this and he knew it had to be Star, Marco sighed, "Star, take these..." Marco hands Star his dimensional scissors, "Your dimensional scissors?!" Star exclaimed, "I'll stall them as best as I can, you try to find help so we can defeat these monsters." Marco puts the scissors into Star's hand, "Marco...." before Star could finish, Marco enveloped her in a hug, "Just remember Star, I'll always love you..." Star in tears hugs back, "I'll always love you too Marco" Star holding back tears, open a portal and heads through it, "Good luck Star..." Marco whispered as the portal closed, Marco readied himself as the monsters busted down the door. Marco fought the monsters as best he could but the monsters captured Marco and took him to Butterfly castle, "Let me go!!!" Marco screamed, the monsters took Marco to the throne room where he saw an all too familiar lizard on the throne, "No.... you can't be!!! I saw you get crushed!!!" Marco yelled, "Yet, one piece of me survived young Marco...." Toffee said with a sickening grin on his face, Marco then realized what piece he was talking about, he had a flashback of Ludo playing with Toffee's only eye, "Your eye.... it survived...." Marco said shaken, "Indeed Marco.... put him with the queens..." Toffee said, "Wait, what about the Butterfly girl?" one of the monsters asked, "Oh, don't worry, she'll come around.... to save her mother.... and her lover...." Toffee said smirking, Marco was then dragged away by the monsters to the holding cells. A portal opens and Star holding the spell book falls through and the portal closes, "Uhhhh, where am I?" Star asked, "YOU THERE, HALT!!!!" shouted a voice Star didn't recognize, "Who are you, and how did you get my- I mean, Queen Butterfly's wand?!" the mysterious voice asked, "Please, don't hurt me, my name is Star Butterfly, I'm from Earth-ni and.... wait, Queen Butterfly's wand?" Star asked, the mysterious voice then realized she had her wand and Star had her own, "If we both have our wands, and your who you say you are..." the mysterious figure walks out from the shadows, "Then that means your my great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grand daughter." Skywyne said, "Grandma Skywyne?!" Star said in shock.

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