Chapter 6: Storming Earth-ni Castle

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Star approached the castle with the army, "TOFFEE, FACE ME YOU COWARD!!!" she shouted, "Brave of you Butterfly, but also reckless..." Toffee said and signaled Mina to send out the monster army little did they know, things were different this time. Star sneakily snuck into the back of the castle with Skywyne and the Magical High Commission, "Wow, Mewni castle looks really different in the future..." Skywyne said, "Ok, first things first we need to do is..." before Star could finish, she was cut off by a familiar voice, "Star?!" Marco said, Star turned around and saw Marco, "Marco!!!" Star said and enveloped Marco in a hug, "I thought I would never see you again..." Star said nearly choking on tears, "Hey, I knew you would come for me Star, as well as someone else..." Marco said moving out of the way, Star then see's Moon, "Mom!!!" Star shouted, "Star!!!" Moon said and they enveloped each other in a hug, "I'm so glad your safe..." Moon continued, Moon then saw someone she never thought she'd see, "Sk-Sk-Skywyne?!" Moon stuttered, "Hello, I assume your the one called Moon?" Skywyne asked, "Y-Yes, I am." Moon replied, "Star told me a lot about you, as well as you Eclipsa." Skywyne said, "Maybe we should focus on the task at hand right now." Marco said, "Right, let's go." Star said, "Star wait, if your here, then who's out on the battlefield?" Moon asked, "Oh, a friend of mine." Star said smiling with a plan.

Mina approached the Star like figure, "Well well, Star Butterfly we meet again" she said ready to fight her, the Star like figure fought on for best as they could but Mina bested them, "Ha! That was too easy, what's wrong? Can't fight without your powers?" Mina said approaching the figure but she soon realized it wasn't Star, "Who are you?! Where's Star?!" Mina demanded, "No where near here haha!" Starfan13 said, Mina shouted and told the monster army to withdraw back to the castle, the distraction army gathered any wounded off the battle field and headed back to the randevou point and soon Star and the others made it there, "The Sanctuary?" Moon asked, "Yes mom, come on we don't have much time before they notice you three are gone." Star said, "What do we do?" Marco asked, "Well, we're gonna bring the magic back, just like mom said." Star said determined, "But how? We don't have an uncleaving spell!" Moon said, "We can make one..." Skywyne said, the 4 queens climbed up the magic fountain and looked down into it to see nothing, and they soon jumped in.

The queens landed in an empty void of a realm, everyone looked shocked, "it's so empty..." Moon said, "We better get started, does anyone know an incantation wording for this type of thing?" Eclpisa said, "I got something, let's hope it's good enough..." Star said, everyone got in a circle and put their hands on what they considered the ground and Star started the incantation, "Build the Bond, Save the Fabric, Cleave the Stone, Save the Magic" Star chanted and soon the other queens joined in, soon they saw magic appearing at their hands and soon the Realm of Magic had returned to it's former glory, "Star, it worked!!" Moon exclaimed, and soon an old friend appeared, "Well... you just keep surprising me kid...." a mysterious voice said, Star knew that voice anywhere, "Glossaryck!!!" Star shouted, "I've missed you too kid, but now is not the time for reunions, we must stop Toffee." Glossaryck said, "And I think you already have a plan?" he continued, Star pulled out her wand which was coursing with the new magic and she was now ready to fight, "Let's finish this..." she said and soon the 4 queens and their army headed for Earth-ni castle.

As the 4 queens and their army approached the castle, Marco wanted to ask Star something, "Uhm Star... I uhhhh... I wanted to ask you something..." Marco said, "What is it Marco?" Star asked, but before Marco could answer, he was cut off by another old friend, "Star Butterfly!!!" Buffrog exclaimed, "Buffrog!!" Star exclaimed, "We are here to fight for Earth-ni." Buffrog continued, "Wait, we?" Star asked confused, but soon her question is answered as all their old monster friends joined them in their army, Star and her army finally approached the castle and stopped at the entrance. Star told some special guests to head in but stay out of sight and then shouted out, "COME ON OUT TOFFEE IT'S TIME WE FINISHED THIS ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!", Toffee hearing this, sent out his army and Star's army lead by Marco charges at Toffee's army lead by Mina, and soon the Battle for Earth-ni has begun.

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