Chapter 3: Emergency on Earth-ni

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Star and Marco exited the stadium after the concert, "That was an amazing concert." Star said snuggled up to Marco, "Yes it was Ms. Butterfly." Marco said holding Star close. They made it to the old pig goat farm where they had their first actual kiss though it was old and abandoned, it still looked how it did when they first went there, "Wow, hard to believe it's still standing..." Marco said as he stared at the farm house, "Come on, let's check it out Marco." Star said as she headed into the farm house. Star and Marco looked around at what remains of the pig goat farm, "This is where it happened..." Star said remembering their first kiss, "Yeah, to think that happened so long ago." Marco said also remembering their first kiss, Marco then remembered he brought something else, "Oh right, Star I also brought these." Star looked at Marco confused, Marco then pulled out one of his fanny packs and took out what looked like cloths, but they were the capes they made for each other completely remade, "Marco, I can't believe it, it's the capes we made for each other, but they're brand new!! How did you make them?!" Star asked shocked, "Well your mom helped out with getting the materials, and my grandma had a sewing machine that I borrowed, and I put all the pieces together." Marco explained, Star was absolutely awestruck that Marco took so much time to make these capes again, "Wow Marco, I can't believe you took so much time to make these again." Star said surprised, "I did it for us Star." Marco said happily, and soon they were enveloped in a kiss. Marco then thought they should head back home, "Maybe we should head back home Star." Star nodded and they headed back home hand in hand.

Star and Marco made it back to the Diaz household, as they opened the door they noticed the spell book on the ground, "The spell book? What's it doing here?" Star said confused as to why and how it got there, "Look there's a note on it Star." Marco said as he noticed the note on the book, Star grabbed the note and read it "Star, Marco if your reading this then you found the spell book, I know this sounds crazy but we have to bring the magic back, unfortunately we wont be able to help you as we've been captured by Toffee, please whatever you do, don't come to Mewni Castle until you've brought the magic back, and knowing Toffee he's probably sent monsters after you two, please hurry and bring the magic back, the fate of Earth-ni is now in your hands. Signed, Moon and Eclipsa" Star dropped the note in fear, "Toffee has returned?!" Star shouted, "We've got to bring the magic back now Star!" Marco said getting their things ready, "But how can we do it, we need at least 4 people of the butterfly bloodline to do this, if I do this by myself it wont work." Star said as she was panicking, "If we can't find anyone else here of the butterfly bloodline here, then we'll have to check somewhere else." Marco said as he grabbed his dimensional scissors, "You don't mean..." Star stuttered, Marco nodded and Star knew what that meant, they had to travel to a different universe.

Star didn't even know if it was possible to travel to a different universe, or if that universe would even have someone of the butterfly bloodline there, "Are you sure about this Marco? We don't even have a way to travel to a different universe, your scissors only lets you travel to different dimensions, not universes." Star said as she thought, "Not if we can upgrade my scissors, didn't Tom have like a special power that takes him to the underworld?" Marco asked, "Well yeah, but what exactly is going to the underworld do to make your scissors work for traveling to different universes?" Star asked, "Well, the underworld has a lot of old historical magic, so if we can find something there that has the ability to travel to different universes, then it's our best bet." Marco said as he readied their stuff. Star thought about it and she remembered that the underworld has been around for millennia so they might have something that'll allow them to travel to a different universe, "Alright, we'll try the Underworld and see if there's something there that can help us." Star said, Marco got the stuff they needed and they headed to Tom's house. Star and Marco arrived at Tom's house and they knocked on the door, Tom answered "Oh, Star, Marco what a surprise.... again." Tom said wondering why they were back at his house, "Sorry about the second visit Tom, but this is an emergency, the fate of Earth-ni may depend on it" Star said in a hurry and Tom let them into his house. 

Star and Marco explained everything to Tom and Janna who was living with Tom as a roommate, "So Moon and Eclipsa have been captured by Toffee?! Wasn't he defeated years ago?!" Tom exclaimed, "Unfortunately he has..." Marco said, "What is it you guys need?" Tom asked, "We need to get to the Underworld and find something that'll allow us to travel to another dimension." Star said, Tom had an idea on how to get there, but didn't know if it would work, "I have an idea, but I'm not sure if it'll work..." Tom said thinking about it, "What is it?" Marco asked confused, "Janna, do you still have that bell I gave you?" Tom asked, Janna came out of her room holding the bell, "This one?" Janna asked, "Yes, that's the one thank you." Tom said as he took the bell, "Can I go with?" Janna asked, Tom thought about it, "Why?" He asked to which Janna said, "Well when do you ever get to go to the Underworld?" Tom thought some more then finally said, "Ok fine, but don't touch anything ok?" to which Janna nodded. Star recognized the bell Tom had, "Is that the bell you gave me when you invited me to the Blood Moon Ball?" Star asked, to which Tom nodded, he had held onto it after all these years. Tom rung the bell and a carriage appeared by the door and it opened, Star looked so confused, "How are you able to get to the Underworld still without magic?" she asked, "The Underworld is oh history, not magic. Even without magic, it's still accessible." Tom said as he got into the carriage, Star then thought the Underworld has been around longer than Mewni or Earth, so it would make sense for it to be around longer than the magic itself, and with that Star, Marco, and Janna got into the carriage and descended into the Underworld.

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