Chapter 7: Battle for Earth-ni

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Star's army and Toffee's army clashed and the battle was fierce, Marco was using his pure karate skills on a monster when one was about to sneak up on him, when an old friend of his takes the monster out, "Woah, thanks..." Marco said but couldn't believe who it was, "No problem Diaz" Kelly said wielding her sword, the battle raged on, and Star and the 4 queens were sneaking in the castle to find Toffee, "Uhm Star, why are we sneaking through the castle when we should be fighting?" Moon asked, "Knowing Toffee, he wouldn't be in the fight, he would be waiting for us in the throne room." Star responded. Star and the 3 queens continue to sneak around the castle to get to the throne room. The battle raged on with Marco finally coming to face with Mina, "Well well well, Princess Star's personal squire, it was about time I squashed you into the ground!!" Mina yelled, "Mina, long time no see HI-YAH!!!!" Marco swung at Mina with his karate skills, Mina dodged his strike then tried to attack Marco and it knocked him to the ground, "Time to end you once and for all..." Mina said as she raised her sword ready to strike Marco down, when someone on a skateboard does a skateboard kick into Mina knocking her out, "Need a hand Diaz?" Jackie said kicking her skateboard up to her hand, "Thanks Jackie, guess I owe you one now." Marco said getting up, "Technically you owe me two, remember back in the graveyard years ago?" Jackie said, "Right, I owe you two hehe." Marco said and they continued in the battle.

Tom paced himself whether he should join the battle or not, "Tom, we have to join the battle." Janna told Tom, "But what if I loose control and harm not only the enemy but our friends as well?!" Tom said, Janna put her hands on his cheeks, "I know you won't Tom...." Janna said then enveloped Tom in a kiss, "Your stronger than you think, and have stronger self control." she continued, "Alright then, let's save Earth-ni." Tom said and both of them ran to the castle. Star and the 4 queens continued to sneak through the castle making sure not to be spotted by any left over guards who weren't out on the battle field, "Star, what are we gonna do when we get to Toffee?" Eclipsa asked, "I don't know, I just kinda go with it and hope it works." Star responded. As they continued to make their way to the throne room, they passed the tapestry room and saw a new tapestry being made, "Wait, a new tapestry is being made?" Moon asked shocked, "I guess so, but it's too early to see who it's for as it just started." Eclipsa added, Star looked closely at the what was at least there of the tapestry and knew what it was going to be about, "Come on, we better end this, I'm not sure how much longer Marco and the army will last..." Star said, and they continued to find the throne room.

The battle was getting fierce, but Toffee's army was starting to prevail, "So this is how we die then?!" Marco asked himself, "NOT TODAY DIAZ!!!!" Janna yelled riding on Tom's back with more humans and monsters who joined their army charging into battle, "About time you guys showed up!!" Marco yelled as the second army charges in to aid the first army and help them win the battle. The battle raged on fiercely everyone fighting as best as they could, Tom unleashing a fir bi-rage at Toffee's army, giving the others a chance to strike them down, "We can take them guys!!!" Marco yelled, but their luck was cut short when saw Toffee's army also had an aerial advantage, but that didn't stop them from trying to win the battle and fought on. Star and the 4 queens finally made it to the throne room doors, "At long last, we found the throne room." Star said, they then entered the throne room and didn't find Toffee on the throne, "Wait, he isn't here!!" Moon said, "Oh don't worry, he's here alright." Star said reassuring her mom, soon Toffee stepped out from behind one of the pillars in the room, "Hello Star... did you miss me?" Toffee said in his calming voice, "It's time to finish this Toffee..." Star said gripping her wand tightly, "Very well... let the fight begin..." Toffee said, then he jumped out the castle window leading his final wave of monsters towards Star's army, "He's gonna kill them!!! What do we do Star?!" Eclipsa asked, Star smiled with a plan in her brain, "We give them the Butterfly Wave..." she said, she then took the 4 queen outside the castle with their special guests.

Marco saw they were starting to win the battle, but then saw Toffee's final wave of monsters charging right for them, all of Marco's friends rallied up, "What do we do Marco?" Jackie asked, "I don't know..." Marco replied, then Marco saw Star and the 4 other queens heading to the field and Marco got an idea, "We need to get them to field, then we'll have a fair advantage against them!!" Marco said, and Star's army retreated to the Earth-ni field outside the castle. Toffee's army gave chase to Star's army to the field and Toffee's army surrounded Star's army, but Marco slipped away before Toffee's army surrounded them, "Now then, since we have her army, it won't be long till we have her, then the butterfly name will be no more" Toffee said then lets out a very evil laugh. Marco made it back to Star and the 4 queens everyone covered in bruises and scratches, "Star!! They've got the army!!!" Marco yelled, "Don't worry Marco, we can take them with what we have left." Star reassured Marco, but Marco didn't know about Star's plan, "What do we have? The army is surrounded by Toffee's army!!" Marco said, "We have something better Marco.... we've got... each other." Star said, Marco smiled and hugged Star and wanted to ask her a question, but now wasn't a good time, "Marco... before we go back into battle, I wanted to give you this..." Star said, and she pulled out Marco's very own wand, "My own wand, but Star... I thought these were only for the Butterfly family!" Marco said, "Your family too Marco, I trust you with my life, and my parents trust you too..." Star said with a smile on her face, Marco took the wand and his moon shaped cheek marks came back as well, "Let's end this Star..." Marco said ready to lay down his life to save Earth-ni.

Toffee's army kept Star's army  in the field, "Hmph, guess she isn't coming... kill them..." Toffee said and his monster army raised their weapons ready to strike Star's army down, when suddenly they saw another army approaching, "Wow Butterfly, you thought this whole thing through..." Toffee said with a sickening grin on his face. Star and her final army approached the castle, "LAST CHANCE TOFFEE SURRENDER NOW, OR FACE THE CONSEQUENCES!!!" Star yelled, Toffee looked on at Star's final army and smirked signaling his army to charge them, "So be it..." Star said quietly and signaled Marco to unleash the plan, Marco riding Nachos opened many portals with his dimensional scissors, thousands of Heckapoo clones ran out of one, Talon and his Dragoncyle crew's flew out of one, Ponyhead and the St. Olga's princesses ran out of one, and Jorby along with Tad, Roy with his Goblin Dog gun, Omnitraxis Prime, Rhombulus, Meteora, and Mariposa, both being older after all the years and having more fighting experience, and soon Star's final army charged into battle. "This is it Marco, if we die... just know... I always love you." Star said as they charged into battle, Marco smiled, "I always love you too Star." he said, and soon the final battle for Earth-ni had begun.

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