Chapter 2: Toffee's Return

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Moon and Eclipsa continued to search for Star and Marco, "You know, if we still had magic, I could locate Star with ease." Eclipsa got an idea, "That's it Moon! We just have to bring the magic back!" Moon looked at Eclipsa with shock, "Bring back the magic?! Is that even possible?!" Eclipsa thought for a moment, then responded "Well I'm sure we can find a way, I'm sure one of the old queens must've thought of what to do if we cleaved the magic to save everyone and how to bring it back." Moon thought of it for a second, then realized they don't have the spell book. "But Eclipsa, we don't have the spell book anymore remember? Eclipsa reassured Moon, "Don't worry Moon, you forgot  Rhombulus remade it with Glossaryck's silkworms remember?" Moon then remembered, "Oh yeah, he did that so he could free your husband, so it's in Mewni Castle! Come on!" And with that Moon and Eclipsa headed for Mewni Castle.

Star and Marco were at the entrance to the stadium where the concert is, "Well, here we are Star." Marco said with excitement, "To think we came here last time with Jackie." Star said remembering that memorable time. Marco chuckled, "Yeah, back when I still had a thing for Jackie." Star looked down as she forgot Marco had feelings for Jackie back then, "Are you sure your ok with us being a thing Marco? Since you and Jackie used to be a thing." Marco looked at Star and reassured her, "Star, don't ever think I would take Jackie instead of you, sure I had a crush on Jackie when I first met you, but the truth is... your better than Jackie, your always looking out for me Star, and like I told you in the pig goat farmhouse, I've always loved you since the moment we first met." Star teared up at what Marco said, "Wow Marco, I never knew you loved me more than Jackie this much." Marco nodded, "I've always have Star, now come on let's enjoy the live concert." Star smiled and held Marco's hand as they headed into the stadium to watch the live concert.

Moon and Eclipsa searched everywhere in the castle searching for the spell book, "Now, where exactly is it in here?" Moon said searching through the crystal room, "Last time I saw it, it was right here..." Eclipsa said as she pointed to the book stand that was empty, "Oh, if only Glossaryck were here to help us find the book." Eclipsa continued to look and something interesting, "Hey Moon, was Star's tapestry ever finished?" Moon looked confused, "I believe so, just before we destroyed the magic, why?" Eclipsa became unsettled, "There are other tapestry's of her..." Moon looked even more confused, "What do you mean Eclipsa?" Moon walked over to Eclipsa as she pulled all the other tapestry's relating to Star, "Woah,  what do they say?" Eclipsa looked closely at them, "Hmmmm, it seems to be the same Star but with different outcomes from past events... but how did they get here?" Eclipsa said puzzled, "No idea, but we must focus and find that spell book." Moon said with confidence and soon they continued their search.

Star and Marco took their seats in the stadium as the concert began, "Yay, they're starting with our favorite song!" Marco said joyously, "Come on then, lets lip-sing to it." Star said with excitement and soon they started lip-singing the lyrics to "Just Friends" as Star and Marco got into the moment they remembered how they were just friends the first time they went to a live concert of Love Sentence and now they didnt want to leave each other's sides over anything, as the second song started they leaned in closer and shared a kiss, "Wow" said Marco, Star giggled as the song continued so they cuddled close, never letting go of each other for the entire concert. "Star?" Marco asked, "Yeah?" Star replied, "You remember our first kiss?" Marco asked, "Of course I do, it's something I'll never forget in my life, why?" Star asked, "Well I was thinking after the concert, you wanna head to the same pig goat farm, you know for a blast to the past?" Marco said, "Oh my gosh, yes. I would love too Marco, but for now, lets enjoy the concert." Star said holding Marco close, Marco snuggles up to Star and said one simple word, "Ok." and they enjoyed the rest of the concert.

 Moon examined the other tapestry's as well then see's one that made her heart skip a beat, "Eclipsa...." Eclipsa looked over at Moon confused, "What is it Moon?" Moon pulled one tapestry out that showed Star, Marco, their friends and all the past queens dead in a pile with Toffee standing over them. "We need to find the spell book and fast..." Moon stuttered as she saw what the tapestry meant, "Well this should be quick because I think I found it!" Eclipsa pulled on a big book and it comes out to reveal it's the spell book, "Good, we found it, now to get out of here!!!" Moon yelled, but as Moon and Eclipsa head for the exit, they were blocked off by a horde of monsters, "Oh no, we're trapped!!" Eclipsa exclaimed, "Eclipsa, quick give me the book!" Moon proclaimed, Eclipsa tossed Moon the Spell Book and she sent through a portal to Star and Marco, but before they could leave the portal shut itself and the monsters grab them, "Let us go!!!" Moon shouted, "Our boss has a deal to settle with you Moon." said one of the monsters, "Who does, who's your boss?!" Moon demanded then she heard the voice of an all too familiar Septarian, "Hello Moon, did you miss me?"

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