I'll Miss You :-(

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Latoya's P.O.V.

We're currently at the airport waiting for our plane to arrive. We're not using a private jet because we aren't really famous yet, but that's okay. It is currently 7:12 AM and boarding begins at 8:15 AM so the boys and us girls are going to the Dunkin' Donuts here in the airport.

As we walked over to eat we were stopped by a teenage girl and her little sister. 

"Oh my gosh, you guys are 5 Seconds of Summer and 4 Seconds of Spring!" The girl said.

"My sissy listens to you all the time, but it's okay because I like it!"

"Haha, yeah...and no offense to the rest of you, but I ship Latoya and Luke. I've come up with the ship name 'Lake' for you two, you like it?" She asked.

I whispered in Luke's ear that I thought it was pretty good, and then he replied, "We love it!"

"So, what are your names?" I asked.

"I'm Callie, and that's my little sister Bailee. I'm 13 and she's 4, we have two siblings between us, but they were too shy to come say hi." Callie said.

"Oh really? How old are they, what are their names?" I asked.

"My brother, Allen, is ten and my other brother, Marcus, is 6." She said.

"Well, our flight leaves soon, so we have to go, want any pictures?" I said.

"Oh my gosh, really?!" She shrieked.

"Of course, come here, we'll all get in." I said.

So we all gathered around and Callie's mom took a picture.

"Thanks guys, can I get one with just you two now?" She gestured at me and Luke.

"Of course, come here Bailee!" Luke said, he's adorable with kids!

Luke and got close and he was holding Bailee on his hip, Callie got in the middle up front and her mom snapped a picture.

"Before we go, here's my number, contact me anytime." I said to her.

"Thank you so much!" She said, and her and siblings walked away.

"You know, I think we'd be great parents..." Luke whispered to me.

"All in good time Lukey, not yet." I whispered back and grabbed his hand.

Katie's P.O.V.

After Callie and Bailee left we preceded to the gate, just in time, I thought as I looked at the time.

"I'm going to miss you Mikey." I said and gave him a hug.

"I'll miss you too Babe." He said.

"Cal, I'm going to miss you so much!" Cri said, and hugged him.

"I know, call when you get there." He said.

"Ash, please stay safe while I'm gone." Alyse said.

"I will, you too." He said.

"Lukey, you're going to visit, right?" Toya said.

"Of course, no hurting yourself while you're there, go easy on your knees and ankle, okay?" He said. Latoya has been having issues lately, and Luke is worried, but she's okay. Our flight was called and we boarded the plane.


I hope people still read my stuff, I feel like if I stopped no one would care...so thank you to my readers :-)

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