for comfort

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wherein they first met in a coffee shop and all she could take was the coffee for comfort.


idol world.

the female rapper from mamamoo couldn't explain her happiness well in serving her fans her creation and music, and she will always be grateful for them.

but sometimes she's tired of it all.

she's strong, but sometimes the criticism affects her fans more than it affects her.

the idol could only cover herself, strolling amidst the busy streets of gangnam since this is her only free time alone away from anything else. with another sigh, she stumbled upon a silent coffee shop that uses to be her favorite place.

smiling in satisfaction through her mask hiding her, she gladly pulls the handle. hearing the door creak, she was greeted by the counter at the very opening of the place, greeting them back with a bow down, too.

after it, she idly stood to check on the menus at the front. yawning softly, her eyes landed to one familiar person sitting near the window, all covered up too. shrugging, she knew she spotted another idol before she resumes her eyes back on the order list.

"i'll have a chocolate cake slice." she ordered with her soft yet deep voice, hearing a positive response from the lady with a smile as she told her to settle on her favorite spot while waiting for her order. nodding and squinting her eyes as a sign of smile, she paid for her meal before picking a seat far away from the crowd near the window.

her safe place.

after a few more minutes, she was greeted by the rich and thick chocolate cake in a small plate, with a small golden fork placed on it.

chuckling softly, she bows down to thank the crew for their fast service.

after then, she decided to silently eat and indulge the thickness of the soothing chocolate flavor that she has been craving after her stressful days.

sighing out of satisfaction, she munched on the soft texture gently before deciding to scroll on her phone if there's any update on their group.

fortunately, there were none for the moment.

busily moving on with her life, she was surprised when a shadow covered her line of sight on the table, a gigantic shadow to be specific.

slowly lifting her head up to look at the culprit, she was surprised to see a famous person sliding a cup of coffee on her direction. mouth parting, she completely pulls her mask away to mumble. "can i help you?"

looking around, she saw that the place was suddenly crowded, and he might've been asking if she would allow him to seat with her to drink his coffee. "oh." she emptily replied, mumbling. "are you asking if you could join?"

he wasn't replying.

he instead pushed the cup closer near her cake. it was questionable act that she could only murmur. "seokjin-sunbaenim?"

she was right. it was from the boy group that they were encountering countless times, and ah – he's in the same age with her. he then pulls his face mask as well, smiling softly.

"you look stressed out."

with her eyes widening followed by her mouth parting, she looks towards the seat near the window. he was the idol that she had seen before going here.

what was his point on approaching her?

gesturing him to seat across her, the female murmurs. "what brought you... here?" she awkwardly scratched her hair before he laughed. "you're byulyi-ssi from mamamoo, right?"

surprised of his accuracy, byulyi nods slowly with a murmur. "you sure do know me, sunbaenim."

with a laugh, seokjin mumbles. "it's just that i've been seeing you stressed whenever our schedules are hectic as idols and we meet on music shows." he cackles, and byulyi notices how much he's talking.

a thought came into her mind.

wait, they were not even close?

awkwardly laughing, byulyi thought that maybe he just wanted to soothe her habit of eating sweets alone. maybe he was also frequent in this place, and he kept noticing her.

"right." she whispers, looking around with discomfort on her face, not knowing why he was approaching her so comfortably. with a cackle, seokjin replied. "coffee?"

"i thought this was yours?" she asks, raising her brow.

"nah, i just thought that you might've been wanting to warm up your throat."

with silence emerging between them, byulyi snickers softly. "are you flirting with me?"

expecting to see him in his flustered state, byulyi was rather astonished to see his smile being grander than anything else.

with a smirk, seokjin replied.

"maybe i am, maybe i'm not."

finally scoffing before grinning, byulyi mumbles. "sunbaenim, i'm not interested then."

"mm, i know." he pulls the chair away to give him space when he stands up.

"then what's the business?" she asks, staring at the freshly brewed coffee that was still a little foamy.

"calm down, moonbyul-ssi." he chuckled, as he muttered. "i was just kidding, i wasn't trying to hit on you or something." he tucked his hands inside his pockets over his pants. "i thought that maybe a little gesture of kindness would be enough to ease the frown on your face. i've been curious of that frown ever since you've debuted. "

she stares at him for a second, before realizing that he meant it.

for a second, she thought that he's one of those idols that wants to immediately get on the pants of female idols. gladly, his reputation stood still, and she could only chuckle softly and mumble. "thank you, sunbaenim."

finally acknowledging her gratefulness, jin muttered. "see you around then, fellow '92 liner." he stood up, leaving her in process of everything that just happened as he added.


awkwardly looking back at him, she whispers. "but the coffee..."

he smiled.

"take the coffee for comfort, for the mean time."

her mouth hung open, as he coolly waved his way out, not looking back at her.

blinking, she stares blankly at the coffee near her cake.


for the mean time.

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