for something more than a bond

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when coffee no longer meant something.


byulyi haven't expected anything else out of it. 

after that very night of confession between them, she didn't expect that he was serious about her.

but he was.

she keeps receiving flowers in front of her practice room, coffee cups and chocolates.

now, she couldn't speak properly while sitting across him back on the shop where they first met each other. 

taking a sip of the coffee, she almost spits it out when he had spoken. "still not used to it?"

her cheeks were stained with warmth ever since he started acting on his feelings. although seokjin had already been transparent of his side, byulyi was still walking on egg shells about how to act in front of someone she likes - that fortunately, likes her back.

"uh, well..." byulyi whispers, blinking numerous amount of times in a second as seokjin chuckled. 

"are you uncomfortable with all the teasing from our groups?" he asks.

"ani," byulyi was quick to respond, eyes looking towards him with uncertainty. she was afraid that his loving gaze might melt her by any second, that's why she quickly looks back down to her cake while drinking on her coffee. 

"you know that it's not a crime to look up on me, byulie..." seokjin whispers, gaining her attention once again. she places the cup of coffee down, whispering. "you see, i'm..." she stutters.

he blinks in response. "you're still unused?" he asks, receiving a nod from byulyi.

laughing softly, seokjin nods slowly. "that's fine, i could wait."

"but why?"

"why not?"

"i mean -" byulyi then pauses for a second, biting the tip of her tongue with a frown. "why do you like me so much?" 

he snorted in response, mumbling. "why don't you like me then?"

byulyi's mouth parted in response, as she murmurs. "that's not it!" 

seokjin rose his brow, grinning softly. "you're really amusing to piss-off, moon byulyi."  she snorted, glaring towards him. "are you free for later, then?" 

byulyi takes a short glance on her watch, tilting her head to wonder if she has any schedule.

oh, there goes the butterflies once again. 

"but i have a practice."


"ah, you scared me!" 

byulyi was just amidst of closing the door of their building since she was the last to come out, surprised that seokjin was waiting for her while leaning on the car. 

the thought may seem funny, but byulyi was startled for her life when she saw someone out. 

"sorry," jin chuckled at her expression, as byulyi mumbles. "you've been there for so long?" 

"is thirty minutes a long time?" 

byulyi puffs her cheeks in surprise, muttering. "it is!" she hooks her bag properly on her shoulders, approaching him as he grinned. "so, you've been writing lyrics?"

seokjin - he was the definition of persistent. byulyi had never expected that seokjin would be the type of person to love like this when she first met him in the cafe. 

coffee [ moon byulyi x kim seokjin ]Where stories live. Discover now