for a goodbye

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wherein she decided to give it up.


she was no longer frequent on her favorite coffee shop.

her comfort became loneliness when she started discovering her feelings for someone that had barged into her life randomly by a cup of coffee sliding on her table.

but now, she was back alone. 

she texted him a few weeks that she won't be able to go back to the shop, and he'll no longer have a reason to go back there for a while.

but she lied.

she wanted to eat her favorite food alone without the painful sight of him continuously talking with someone that wasn't her, seeing him talk frequently more than their time together, letting it rest for more than a week.

then she realizes that she likes him more than what her heart thinks of. 

she likes him now romantically.

swallowing the cake emptily on her mouth, she stares blankly into space.

jin: where are you?

byulyi stares at his text, her heart leaping in faith of his care for her.

it has been weeks not meeting him as soon as she realized her early feelings, trying to get rid of it by neglecting him.

she was just starting emptily.

jin: i'm at your practice room.

her eyes went wide, dropping the fork on the plate as she sat straight, gulping the sweet dessert before drinking water. 

but then it hits her again -

ah, solar unnie. 

she wasn't angry at yongsun if they ever have something going on. but after asking her last time if she has something going on with jin, she was being denied constantly.

why was yongsun lying about her closeness with him? why wasn't he telling her anything?

byulyi then came into a conclusion that he might've tried to be close to her for her leader.


jin: you're at rest for two weeks? i thought you're busy.

panicking, she wasn't sure how she would explain him what was happening. and then all of a sudden, byulyi decided to knock it off. gulping the lump on her throat, she turned her phone off. just when she was about to leave the coffee shop after his realization of her absence - 

all of a sudden, her eyes went wide to see him out of the shop looking at her.

lifting her eyes up, she gasps.

"found you." he mouthed from the distance as he entered the shop. 

fidgeting her fingers, the female idol couldn't find any reason to say after all the lies that she made up. she won't be able to face her members for today, since she have startled them with her sudden connection with seokjin from the famous group for a few while. 

with her feet almost pointing towards the exit, she was forbidden when jin had entered. 

at the most frustrated and shaky voice, jin almost shouted his whisper. "what's going on with you?" 

now this is either a make or break.

it only lasted for months, her little bundle of joy. byulyi felt a slight remorse that she had developed a light liking to the young man that she was supposed to call her friend.

"byul-ah." he furiously sat across her, asking. "you've been dead for weeks, and it's frustrating me."

byulyi blankly stares into the ground, tapping her finger nail on the cup of coffee with a whisper. "sorry, i just -"

"you what?" he exclaimed, not a little too loud to avoid others from catching a glimpse of them.

she wasn't sure if she's going to say it.

she wasn't even sure if she wanted to say it.

sighing heavily, byulyi trails-off. "i needed some time alone."

expecting him to buy it, the male idol instead frowns at her response. "you're avoiding me, aren't you?"

she gulped in response, averting her eyes away.

"but why?"

she didn't knew how to answer him.

what to do?

tell him that she felt betrayed that he's talking with her fellow member behind her back, for what? they are not even dating. 

all of the painful memories came back to her, regretting that she had allowed her vulnerability to come through.

"talk to me." 

his soft voice, 

she didn't want to be fooled anymore. "i- i'm not avoiding you." byulyi bit her lower lip, looking around to forbid her tears forming on her eyes. she no longer knows on what to believe on.

and if she will ever hear that he's into her best friend, she will step back.

for friendship will always be her priority, and she means yongsun. 

"one time you've let me walk you home," he sighs, looking around. "and now you're giving me the cold shoulder."

she gripped tighter on the fabric of her pants, mouth trembling to speak as she tried to ask him.

"by chances," she gulps.

"do you like anyone, right now?" 

it was the most idiotic question that she had ever given to him, and she knows that it will break them apart once he realizes that she already likes him.

his mouth parted in surprise, as he averted it quickly.

"why would you ask that?"

ah, that answer was enough for her. 

he really does like someone.

"so i could back away when it's early." she mindlessly replied, as he blinks.

"what do you mean by that?" he frowns immediately, looking at her as she opens her mouth to speak.

"i..." she gulps.

"you're acting so odd, and it's frustrating me." jin whispers.

"because i lost." byulyi felt a tear fall from her eye, as his eyes went wide. "byulyi, are you- ?"

she immediately wiped it away, before whispering. "i need to leave, i have practice -"

"no, you don't." he grips on her wrist to hold her back, but she was persistent to leave.

"i don't want to see you for the mean time." she strongly held her breath, 

leaving him frozen.

but why?

coffee [ moon byulyi x kim seokjin ]Where stories live. Discover now