for a skipping heartbeat

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wherein he did something heart-pounding for the first time.


it vastly improved.

they communicated more than friends, less than lovers. byulyi was sure that she had finally changed her mind about not liking someone after spending her days with seokjin for more than months.

she wouldn't knew how butterflies felt before after her painful past,

but now... the female couldn't see her day without talking to him.

whether they'll be seeing at the shop, or if they'll just be on their phones non-stop.

everything seemed to be in place for the two. jin would've wanted friendship with her at the first place, but his mind was changing lanes after knowing her more.

their coffee sessions before used to linger on the shop, until it turned into lunch, dinner...

until it turned to meet-ups that no one knew about.

they were caged between a label called friendship, even if their ambiguous acts keeps the both of them up at night.

shy laughters turned into reckless jokes, small hand shakes turned into casual yet heart-pounding hugs, and smiles. 

and yong,

she can see the female rapper slumped on the floor of the practice room with her lips stretched wide.

she was always on her phone when she's here.

instead of letting annoyance consume yongsun, she was thrilled to see if the younger has been dating behind her back, since byulyi never believed in romance before.

silently sitting beside her, yongsun was more than surprised to see who the profile was pertaining to.

kim seokjin?

yongsun tilted her head.

"interesting." she whispers. "huh?" byulyi sloppily hid her phone screen after seeing yongsun beside her.

"what is it?" byul asks.

"nothing." yongsun denied her question, letting alone the female rapper to resume on her own world. "are you doing something later on?" yongsun asks, even if she already knew where she was going.


the answer was short, but was enough to make the leader smile in happiness.

"see you, then." 

 byulyi had decided to leave the studio a little later, stumbling on the coffee place.

to her surprise, he wasn't there. 

and it's already late.

her feet slows down inside, only to see the familiar smiling face of the woman who serves her every time she comes. "he's not yet here, byulyi." she chuckled, leading her to the seat she loves the most as she laughed. "you're not intriguing me, huh?"

"so are you two going out now?" 

byulyi had remained silent for a second, unsure of what to say since she didn't even knew herself.


quite short, but somehow meaningful. 

receiving a nod from the female, she chose to seat on her space to wait for him. 

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