for a level-up

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wherein her dark days turned into glee whenever she decided to visit the same place.


that became their safe haven.

another day passes by, and another, and another.

he never failed to make her smile whenever she would receive a cup of coffee under his name.

hardly enough, it looks adorable that there will be small notes under the cup.

don't frown too much, you'll have wrinkles.

stop scowling on your phone.

nice pair of sweater for today, i guess.

and then the cycle continued on for two months.

seokjin had told her that this has been his favorite place for solitude since his debut, and byulyi was surprised since they haven't noticed each other amidst their frequency on the place.

but now, she wad oddly looking forward for her stressful days since she knew that she'll end up finding him sending her a cup of coffee.

none of their members knew about their growing friendship, thinking that it'll be unbelievable to explain how.

and for byulyi, even if she wasn't having any idea of romance on her life... she felt that his way of approach towards her was too romantic to consider as a friendship.

she didn't knew if he was only doing this to her, since she knows how friendly this guy was.

she can see him around different people, that he sometimes failed to notice her at some places.

three days was done, and she was just out from her promotions.

their string of communication was slightly cut after it, and she didn't know if she'll see him after it.

but then, going back to the place, she was surprised to see him out of the shop, sitting comfortably on the bench.

with her eyes wide, she tilted her head to stand in front of the bench before his eyes landed to her.

"oh, you came back."

speechless, byulyi wasn't able to speak her words. instead, her smile had said it all.

seokjin went inside the shop with her, and it was the first time that she had someone with her on the personal space that she loved ever since.

it was a day when she can finally speak once again to him, and when they no longer send each other coffees because they were ordering together.

laughing, talking about everything.

they had no communication outside except for this, but byul had thought that maybe she can cherish this kind of relationship to herself without attaching herself to him.

"you see, we're getting invites from the western."

byulyi's eyes went wide. "really?"

and he cackled at her expression, nodding. "really."

they haven't reached the level of comfortability yet, but they knew that they already trusted each other for their own little dirty secrets and hindrances on their idol life.

jin was thankful that he had approached her for that time after worrying about her never-ending frown, and she was happy that she agreed to take this precious friendship as a two.

"also, why weren't you talking to me when we're on shows?"

byulyi asks him all of a sudden, curious at why he seems to not notice her every single time.

jin then frowns for a second, sighing softly. "maybe i was just too busy?"

snorting, byulyi laughed. "lame."

"hey, that's not lame!"

she had accepted his reason for now, but she knows that he has another reason. maybe he didn't want anyone to know about their comfort place, and their safe haven (as what he quoted)?

maybe that was it.

the thought kind of bothered her a little while they bonded.

lifting his hand up, jin mumbled. "can i ask for a cappucino?"

byulyi rose her brow, before he turns to her. "what?"

"what made you order cappucino?" she laughed absurdly at his sudden change of taste.

"ah." he chuckles, mumbling. "maybe for a level-up."


"uh-huh, sometimes we needed to level-up." he frantically speaks while looking at her.

oddly, her heart skipped a beat even if she thinks that he didn't mean that romantically.

gripping on her own drink, she snorted. "words of wisdow?" he hummed playfully.

after the cappucino was served, jin asks her if she wanted some. but byulyi, she refused not to let the caffeine ruin her.

one cup was enough for a day.

unlike him, who was a complete coffee-maniac.

"you see," jin scoops onto the foam above the coffee before continuing. "we have been speaking for months like this, and you're completely different from the first day."

she scowls. "what, how!?"

"you look so feminine at first but i guess i can no longer see it after you started punching me in the shoulder every time -"

"hey!" she yells, as he laughed before apologizing. "but are you really curious on why i wanted to avoid them knowing about our friendship?"

she then calms down, muttering.


"i really didn't want to let anyone know about this place..." he explains, adding. "so sorry for kind of ignoring you, i was afraid that they might ask where we have met."

grinning, byulyi folded her arms cockily. "i really think that you're hitting on me."

"huh, suit yourself!"

giggling, byulyi pushed her laugh aside. "fine, let's not tell them about our safe haven then."

grinning at her choosing his words before, he nodded. "but one thing."


"we should exchange numbers."

she blinks in response, surprised at his initiation. but why?

"so that we could catch up instead of coincidentally meeting here?" he laughs softly at her questionable face.

"i looked like an idiot waiting for three days." jin muttered, as blush creeps on her cheek. "huh?"

realizing his words, jin's mouth parted.

"i wanna know your number, just so i could know if you'll have someone with you. "

"why?" byul's mouth parted for a while.

jin blinks, frantically speaking. "don't want to share this kind of relationship with anyone except us."

and with that,

byul had realized that...

she has a crush on kim seokjin.

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