for mutuality

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when one single night changes everything.


byulyi had never been this awkward.

after the reconciliation, seokjin had never stopped dropping hints about his feelings that byulyi seems to be discarding at the thought of - him, never liking her.

she's currently standing on the front of the shop, all covered up. it wasn't a normal day for the two, it was supposed to be their working day.

but seokjin wanted to take her out somewhere.

a date? byulyi never wanted to take all his efforts to the heart.

but he told her that the two of them needed to catch up with the few weeks they were away from each other.

but his words keeps on lingering on her head when he told her that he won't be dating anyone else until a certain someone opens her heart up, and that he would do everything for that someone to open her heart up.

she pouts softly, lowering her head.

tapping her foot on the cemented ground, her vision darkens by a dim covering the setting sun towards her direction, as she squinted her eyes to look at the culprit.

it was the same culprit that... well, stole her heart - mind the cringe to her brain if she has to wonder about that. 

"you've been out for so long?"

seokjin asks her sincerely, as byulyi shakes her head awkwardly.

she received a faint nod from the male idol, before he asks her if she wanted to eat somewhere or else.

to byulyi, she just wanted to finally tell him what she feels,

but at the same time, she was afraid if he didn't feel the same, or if he ever does too.

but starting tonight, he was so willing to make her smile.

she just wishes that it won't end screwed up.

she would rather kill herself than speak stupidly now that her feelings were at risk of being obvious.


"mind to tell me why you've ignored me after assuming i'm in a relationship with noona?"

byulyi freezes after all, wishing he won't bring that up after such a long time.

they were finally alone along the road since it's past midnight, no one was bothering to speak. and this was the only time when they could speak properly after their reconciliation last time.

seokjin had changed after all, he keeps giving her signals about his liking for her although byulyi was not the smartest person when it comes to that.

byulyi was still curious on why he had to elaborate every single detail about his side after they've made up. she thinks that maybe he really cares about their bond,

but her heart was busy hoping that he likes her back too.

she can still remember how he keeps apologizing for the misunderstanding and how he would do better.

for what?

they are already fine! why would he dare to ask her that? she was currently walking on the road where the leaves were constantly falling, her scarf covering her hanging mouth as seokjin eyes her.

"i didn't." byulyi whispers, averting her eyes away from him.

seokjin snorted, tucking his hands on his pockets as he looks around the empty road at the time of two in the morning. he shrugs, lowering his scarf. "really, moon byulyi?"

"i didn't, really." she defended herself, whispering. "i was just worried if unnie would think of me as a wretch if i keep seeing you while you date her."

"and you hate that thought of me dating someone?" 

he tried to playfully lighten the mood due to her odd silence.

"i do." byulyi immediately replied, her eyes widening as she immediately searched for jin's expression after hearing her abrupt reply. "i mean -" she was about to reason out, but she saw jin's frozen stance.

"i.. i..." byulyi no longer knows how to get out of her own world, it was so obvious that she likes him, it was obvious to him as soon as she started ignoring him. she didn't think of the consequences of acting out loudly after that, now here she was- trying to save a friendship when in reality, her feelings were so obvious.

seokjin sighs heavily, as byulyi squeezes her eyes shut out of guilt.

she couldn't get out of the situation. it was either do or die.

seokjin then turns to look at her squeezed shut eyes, earning a small grin from him as he mumbled. "byulyi,"

she then opens her eyes slowly, hearing his soft voice that made her orbs look back at him with curiosity and fear. "stay still."

her eyes widen, "what?"

"do you like me?" 

her mouth hangs open, and she could no longer lie. she tried to speak, but no words came out of her mouth, no voice comes out from her as well. she was stuck, as if she was trying to decipher her words if it'll be a yes or no.

seokjin can see how she was struggling hard to speak,

and how red her cheeks were.

that was enough.

he bit his lower lip, smiling softly before looking around as he lowered his scarf to lower his height to meet her own.

"what makes you say so!?" byulyi still has her last string, gulping once again the lump on her throat as she eyed him.

maybe tonight, they'll either make or break, and that'll give her a peace of mind that she needed the most.

but then, seokjin could literally melt into the ground with how sincere her gaze were. he then absent-mindedly speaks;

"because i do" he whispered.

she gulps another lump, her heart almost exploding in surprise as she clenches her fist, her eyes fixated on him as she awkwardly stares back. seokjin finally confirms it all, smiling wider as he lowered his head before lifting it back up.

"let me kiss you. " 

byulyi, driven by the butterflies on her tummy, nodded in a slow manner, breathing in heavily as she whispers.

"do it."

"there's no one like you, moon." he whispers with a chuckle, his hand cups her left cheek as he closes his eyes, leaving a short kiss to linger on her lips, before he pulls away to softly brush them together with a small laughter after seeing her dazed. 

after a few seconds of staying still, he heard her.

"jin," byulyi stutters,

catching his attention.

"do you really like me?" she asks.

with a chuckle, seokjin muttered. 

"remember the certain someone i was waiting for? "

she nodded slowly.

"that's you."

with that being said, byulyi felt like her whole world freezes right in front of her eyes, gulping down her own saliva as she breathed deeply.

this man right in front of her, 

the one she likes after a long time of not learning how to love.

he likes her too.


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