for reconciliation

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when she said sorry, indirectly.


it has been weeks when she cuts her ties with him.

it's been weeks when she wasn't coming back to her favorite shop.

even when she's down, she chose to isolate herself than speak. 

"you're not going to talk to me?" 

she was as well overwhelmed for a few days after knowing the connection between jin and solar. 

she couldn't look at her in the eyes, unless it's for a business purpose. 

"... i'm talking." byulyi whispers in reply, a little too cold and blunt. "what's wrong with you?" yongsun retorted, "a lot of things." she replied once again.

"jinja." yongsun rolls her eyes.

"you should fix yourself, byul-ah." yongsun frowned.

"you should too, unnie." byulyi then lifted her eyes, before she takes her words back. "i mean -"

"tell me." yongsun speaks all of a sudden.

byulyi was silenced, hearing her serious voice. "what is it, unnie?"

yongsun then sighs heavily, looking around. "are you dating seokjin?" 

her eyes went wide in surprise, muttering. "have you gone insane?" her mind fell into jitters, unsure on how to answer. they were nothing, not even close to lovers. maybe she likes him, but jin- wait, how can she asks that if?

"aren't you the one dating him?" 

yongsun was baffled.

"excuse me?" 

byulyi then has her mouth wide open. "ani?"she asks the leader. uncertainty drawn on her eyes. yongsun was surprised, muttering. "is that why you're avoiding him!?" she yelled, surprising byulyi. "how did you knew?" 

"because he has no one to vent out his frustration than me!" yongsun stomped her feet on the wooden practice floor, hissing. "do you know how pestered am i as soon as you two started talking behind my back?"

she was in constant confusion, as byulyi stuttered. "what about the close proximity, the texts, the -" she was cut off when yongsun held her hand up in the air. "so you thought that i'm going for jin?" 

with her mouth falling open, she mumbles. " no, i mean yeah -"


"i'm sorry!" byulyi yells back, covering her face. "i- i was perplexed, okay!" she explained, stammering on her words. "i became more insecure when you started lying to me about you two talking and-"

"because he told me not to tell you!" yongsun yells back.

she remained silent.

"do you think that i'll go after your man?" yongsun exhales. "no, it's not going after not my man since you didn't knew our small friendship ." byulyi lifted her hands up in defense. "that's why i cut him off-"

"YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE!" yongsun grabs both of her hands. "i know you're a reliable friend!" the leader shouted, before easing into a whisper once again. "but you shouldn't cut him off because-"


"because what?" byulyi asks.

shaking her head, yongsun mumbles. "because we're not dating, he's not dating anyone!" she stumbled on her words, before letting go of her hands. "ah." 

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