for negligence

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when her cup of coffee was left cold.


byulyi had fallen deep into the pit.

she enjoyed his company for months, and no one still knew about them.

she was unsure of what they have, but she was happy to share her worries with him. 

sliding the door of the waiting room, the female's thought about the possibility of their heart's mutuality had fallen to crumbs when she saw him smiling with another female idol. 

ah, it was the same smile that he had given her at their very first meeting.

she tipped her tongue on the roof of her mouth, feeling an ache in her chest without knowing why it bothered her.

it hurts a little more when she saw him brushing the strand of the female's hair away from her face.

"byul-unnie." she heard wheein, patting her arm as her trail of gaze moved away from them. "o- oh." she whispers, tearing her eyes away from seokjin after she saw him look back at her. 

"let's go back to the room, we need to do our make-up." wheein concluded cluelessly, dragging her unnie out of the scene, leaving a confused seokjin on why she suddenly tore her gaze away from him.

might as well ask her once they meet later on.

and later finally came.

jin sat peacefully on the coffee shop while waiting for her, tapping his feet in excitement while giddily tapping his fingers in the warm coffee cup. his eyes keeps on landing on her favorite spot.

she told him not to sit on that until she comes, and he agreed with her cute principle.

but she wasn't still there.

he raises his brow in question of her action, thinking it's been an hour and she haven't replied to his messages at all. grabbing his phone, he dialed her number. 

minutes passed by, and there's no reply.

his coffee had gone cold that he had to gulp it down without waiting for her.

he sighs softly, about to give up until his eyes went wide when he heard the door open as he saw her marching in. "byulie!" he lifted up his hand after seeing her, surprising the female as she whispers. "you surprised me!" 

with a grin growing wide, he watches her join him with a weak smile. "sorry, i had to take care of some business."

she had grown talkative after spending more months with him, and he was glad to know her more. 

he asks her all of a sudden on how her day went on. 

he saw the faint pause from her, looking straight into the table. she whispers. "good, it was good." but then she recalled the bothering moment he had with another female idol.

puffing her cheeks, she shook her head, before flinching when he lifted up his hand to order for a chocolate cake, precisely - a soft chocolate mousse, which was her favorite food whenever she's down. lifting her eyes in surprise, she questionably rose her brow.

"what's wrong?"

he asks her, eyes never leaving her. 

byulyi was speechless after the question.

"nothing." she was quick to respond, watching him snort before sniffing. "kojimal." he rubbed his index finger under his nose, whispering. "you look bothered since the show, too."


jin frowns at her unusual behavior, as he thanked the waitress for serving the chocolate cake on their table. byulyi was silent all of a sudden, watching him slide the plate on her direction. 


her mouth parted, unsure of what to tell him as he frowns. "byul."

"nothing's wrong, jin." she firmly replied, not bothering to touch the cake that he ordered for her as she frustratedly rammed her head, trying to find the answers for herself as well on why she was letting the memory play all over her head.

her eyes looks to him, his worry, and frown.

no, no, no. she keeps discarding the thought that he cares after seeing earlier, she trusted her instincts too much. she must've been delusional to think that he cares for her the way she's starting to care for him.

she's not pretty, well - that's what she thought.

"byuly -"

"nothing's wrong." she said a little too loud, a little too mad. she wasn't sure why she came off aggressively, leaving a startled jin in front of her as he decided to let it slide. nodding slowly, he whispers. "then a coffee -"

"hajima." byulyi stops him, her heart unknowingly beating out loud in frustration.

she shouldn't like him.

she should've seen this coming even from the start that he treats her nothing better, and it's only going to end up in a painful one-sided love.

"what's wrong with you?" jin felt a small snap on his nerve, unsure on why was byulyi suddenly acting too aggressive.

"i..." byulyi stuttered. "i... let's stop this, okay?" she gulps, mouth trembling.

he was dumbfounded. "stop what?"

shaking her head, she breathed deeply. "sorry," she shakes her head once again, covering her eyes with her palm before calmly speaking. "it was just the stress getting into me."

jin, who was currently letting the tension rise above his head - calms himself after hearing her soothing voice.

biting her lower lip, she had decided.

not at this day.

not when she's just figuring out her feelings.

sighing softy, the female idol replied. "something's just bothering me." she finally looks at him as he lets the silence ensue before speaking. "what's bothering you?" 

she bit her lower lip, whispering. "to be honest -" her words were cut off when his phone rang. 

pausing, byulyi motioned him to answer the phone first before he excused himself, answering the phone.

"oh, hello, noona!" 

with another pain in her chest, byulyi stares into the chocolate cake as he stood up from the table, walking near the window to speak.

it was the same idol earlier.

and she had no win against her.

but what hurts the most, 

it was her leader, 

her unnie.


she then looks at the coffee on the counter, growing cold.

for today, the coffee was meant for negligence, and it will no longer be her comfort.

coffee [ moon byulyi x kim seokjin ]Where stories live. Discover now