Chapter 1: The New Student

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"Alright class, in your seats. Bakugo, quit screaming at Midoriya."

Aizawa starts the class off as usual, having to calm the loud blonde long enough for him to pay attention, as well as get the rest of the class to quiet down. Though admittedly it took longer than usual as everyone was still talking about the practice fights everyone participated in yesterday. Everyone took their seats, some quickly, like Iida, and a couple slowly, like Kaminari.

"I have a surprise for you guys today" Aizawa states.

The immediate thought that Midoriya had was 'A surprise? I hope I don't have to break any bones with this one.' The rest of the class started murmuring to one another, until Aizawa got impatient and activated his quirk, glaring at everyone with his red eyes, effectively shutting everyone up.

"Now, as I was saying, I have a surprise for you all. You will be getting a new classmate today." The class then looked at each other excitedly. 'If its a girl I hope she has some nice curves.' Thought a certain Grape. He shared a glance at Kaminari, and they nodded to each other, thinking the same thing. "Before I introduce him to you all, you all must know that he doesn't like to talk, and you must respect his space. Problem Child!" Midoriya perked up, still trying to get used to his teachers nickname for him. "I want you to look after him, as you are generally quieter than everyone else. Help him adjust, show him around in between classes, etc, understood?" "Yes s-sir, you can c-count on me!" Midoriya stated. He was abuzz. He gets to show a new student around!

"Bakugo, listen to me very closely." That snapped Midoriya out of his bubbling excitement. What could that mean?

"What do you want from me?" Bakugo asked. The vibe Aizawa was giving off was reason enough to prevent him from swearing at the teacher. "I want you on your best behavior near him, and that means no screaming, yelling, frantic movements, or anything of the sorts, understood?" He ended with a glare at the brash blonde, who had gotten flustered at being called out. "What the hell?! It's not like I'm the only loud one! You should be yelling at four eyes to keep it down!" The red eyes of Aizawa silenced him. "Do. You. Understand?" The teacher asked once more. "Yes sir." Was the very quiet response from Bakugo.

Aizawa then deactivated his quirk, letting his hair fall down again. Casting a long look around the room, he looked at his students faces. Mineta and Kaminari both shared disappointed looks, frowning at the mention of the new student being a 'he'. Bakugo was staring out the window now that the attention was off him, and Midoriya started to get bubbly with the thought of being asked to show someone around. The rest of the class, besides Todoroki, seemed excited about who this mystery student was.

"Ok, now y/n, come on in and stand next me." All eyes turned to the huge doors, which were slowly being opened. In walked a boy dressed in the school attire, except for a black and white striped plaid button up jacket overtop the school uniform. His short brown hair going in different directions, though still somehow looking like a hair style. His hands were shoved in the pockets of his plaid jacket, and no one could see his eyes, as he was staring intently at the floor of the classroom. His fairly tan skin seemed flushed, like he was embarrassed.

"Everyone, this is y/n. Y/n why don't you go sit behind the green haired boy over there." Aizawa points toward Midoriya, and y/n glances up to see where he's pointing and moves rather quickly to go sit down. As he passes Bakugo, the blonde decides to give him a look over, and from what he could tell, y/n wasn't much. 'What has Aizawa so concerned about this kid? He doesn't look like much to me. Whatever, I'll pass him like I'll pass all these damn extras, especially Deku!'

All eyes were trained on the strange boy, until Iida raised his hand. "Mr. Aizawa, should —" "Yes, he is allowed to wear his jacket Iida, thanks for the concern." The class president looked confused as to one, how Aizawa knew what he was going to say, and two, it was school policy to wear only the given attire, but decided against pressing the issue as it was clear it wasn't his business.

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