The Party

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"Okay, one last thing before we head out," Khadijha says to Shane and I, they instantly clicked after introductions. Everyone loved Shane, it was impossible not to. She walks over to the mini fridge in our room and takes out what looks to be a large bottle of vodka. "Shots!" Khadijha screams while holding the bottle high in the air.

"Oh, no, none for me," I instantly reply. "I told you I don't really drink."

"Oh, come on, Captain!" she pouts while pouring herself a shot, "I literally just went to the liquor store this morning so we could pregame a little bit." The fact that it's a verified unopened bottle eases my apprehension slightly. I'm a goddamn sophomore on the varsity cheerleading squad, I deserved to have a little fun.

"Okay, just one," I reply sternly, failing at hiding my growing smile. Shane looks at me with wide eyes as if to ask Are you sure? I give him a slight nod to let him know I'm okay. I will not let my past define me.

"Yasssssssss!" Khadijha screams, and we all burst into laughter. "And by one shot I mean one double shot," she winks while handing both Shane and I tall shot glasses filled to the brim with the clear liquid. "Here's some lemonade to chase it, babe," she hands me a glass cup filled with a chaser. "Raise your glasses, lady and gent!" We all raise our glasses to the middle of our little circle as Khadijha makes a toast. "To a new year, new friends, hot accents, and a great fucking night!" We clink our glasses together and Khadijha slams her's back like a professional. I watch Shane take his, much slower, but he doesn't let on that the taste is all that bad. I tip my head back and swallow the burning alcohol as it goes down my throat, instantly threatening to come back up. I immediately chug the lemonade in my other hand before coughing.

"That was the worst thing I've ever tasted in my life," I get out in between coughs.

"Oh, c'mon, it's not that bad!" Khadijha puts her arm around me and checks her watch. "If we leave right now, we will be perfectly fashionably late, let's do this." I grab Shane and drape my arm around his back, feeling tingly from the giant shot I just took, and the three of us walked out the dorm building arm in arm.

We walk about 5 blocks down the street before coming upon a huge house with giant Greek letters hanging on the front. There's cups strewn about the lawn and you could hear the music from 3 blocks away. What have I gotten myself into? "Don't look so scared, Jo," Khadijha clearly picks up on my hesitance. "It's just a social between the frat and the squad, so it won't be too overwhelming." I follow behind her through the open doorway and am instantly hit with the smell of sweat and weed. I see a makeshift dance floor to my right accompanied by a DJ stand, sweaty bodies gyrating against each other with cups in their hands. I recognize some of the cheerleaders just from watching the varsity routines, but I've definitely never seen them like this. Straight ahead of us is the kitchen, with an island full of booze. Khadijha immediately grabs a cup and pours herself a drink from a jug. "Jungle juice?" she asks, turning to me and holding up her cup.

"Uh, no thanks, I really don't want to drink anymore," my voice faltered just a bit.


"Uh, sure, I'll take a beer," he replies, and Khadijha pours him a cup from the keg in the corner. I felt awkward just standing between the two in the crowded kitchen. What am I supposed to do with my hands?

"Here, babe," Khadijha walks to the island and pours a cup of plain lemonade. "Just for something to hold," she gives me a wink. I instantly feel a bit more comfortable and not so out of place. "Oh! There's Sam! You have to meet him, you'd never guess he was a frat boy but I'm pretty sure he only joined so he could live here," she grabs my hand and pulls me over to the corner of the living room. Shane follows behind us. Khadijha plops herself onto the velvet couch next to a boy with longish black hair, piercings, and tons of tattoos. I feel bad for staring, but he just looks so out of place amidst these preppy boys in polos. "Sam, this is my new roomie Josephine. She's gonna be cheer captain after me so I'm basically her spirit guide," Khadijha explains.

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