Chinese Food & SVU

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You would think that after winning first place at our competition we'd have some time to rest, but it's actually been the exact opposite. Now that we've secured our spot at Nationals, Coach Todd has been working us extra hard, pushing us to our limits, and my body has certainly felt it. Having to run the routine full out has taken its toll on my muscles, and most nights I end up just passing out after popping some Advil, meaning I haven't spoken to Hero as much as I'd like to. After our little rendezvous last week at the competition, I feel closer to him somehow. I don't know what came over me, most likely the adrenaline from competing mixed with my lust for Hero, but I didn't feel any sense of hesitation when it came to pleasuring him orally. I'd say it wasn't half bad for my first blow job.

It's finally Friday night and I have the dorm to myself since Khad is going to some club with a few girls from the squad. Hero's coming over with takeout and we're planning on catching up on the newest season of Law and Order: SVU, my all-time favorite crime show. I'm dressed in one of Hero's hoodies that I stole with a pair of spandex shorts underneath, loving the newfound confidence in my body that he's given me that allows me not to cover up my legs in giant sweats. The knock on the door signals Hero's arrival and I can already feel myself salivating at the thought of Chinese food. I answer the door with a wide smile to my man, dressed in his usual jogger and t-shirt combo, looking almost as delicious as the takeout containers in his hand. He smiles back at me, flashing his dimpled cheek as he takes in my outfit. "Is that my-" I cut him off before he can even finish his sentence.

"Yes," I give him a little twirl, modeling his jumper on my body, loving how it still smells of him. His eyes widen slightly.

"Are you-" I cut him off again, already knowing what he's about to ask as if we're some cheesy couple who finishes each other's sentences. Well, I guess we are that cheesy couple. But I love it... and him.

"No," I lift up the bottom of his sweatshirt while rolling my eyes, flashing my spandex knowing he was going to ask if I was naked underneath.

"Hmm," he steps towards me, shifting the bag of food into his left hand while pulling my body to his with his right. "I like these," he scrunches up the tight material at my hip before letting it ping back against my skin. I stand on my tiptoes to give him a chaste kiss, knowing that if I let it go any further my rumbling stomach would have a fit.

"And I like this," I smirk against his lips before grabbing the bag of food from his hand and jumping onto my bed, immediately digging into the containers. That's another thing I've noticed, that I'm no longer utterly consumed with calories and food when I'm eating with Hero. We've only been together a short time, but I can already see these positive changes in my life. He makes me a better me.

After a good 15 minutes trying to teach Hero how to use chopsticks properly and him ultimately stabbing his chicken instead, we're comfortably cuddled up on my bed watching TV. I feed him some of my dish, giggling when he brings half of a noodle to my mouth Lady and the Tramp style, ending with a soy sauce-filled make out session. I can confirm that Chinese food tastes much better when it's being fed to me by Hero Fiennes-Tiffin, that's for sure. The credits of the episode roll before the next one automatically begins and I start to recite the intro I know by heart.

"...These are there stories. DUN DUN!" I finish without missing a beat. I turn to see Hero looking at me utterly perplexed, an amused smirk on his handsome face. "What?" I ask, feeling the blush spread across my cheeks with embarrassment.

"You are such a nerd!" he bursts into laughter and I can't help but join him at my little geek out on SVU.

"Am not!" I nudge him playfully.

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