The Hotel Room

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I don't know what I expected Jo's response to be, but it most certainly was not that. I have to attempt to keep some blood in my brain rather than my dick in order to think this through, but fuck am I hard. Does she actually want this? Does she even realize what her declaration has done to me? How she makes me feel? Well, I can answer the affirmative to the last question considering my hard on has been grinding into her for the past 3 minutes. But does she understand my feelings for her go far beyond the physical? I'll admit it's taken me awhile to finally accept how I felt for Josephine, but I knew I liked who I was when I was around her and I wanted to spend every day making her laugh.

We're still staring into each other's eyes with a primal hunger when the song finally ends, breaking the sexual trance we're in, but certainly not extinguishing the fire between us. Jo removes her body from mine and I instantly feel cold, reaching my hand out to turn her to face me again. I couldn't let her slip away from me this time. I need her. "Uh," I scratch my neck, trying to formulate how I wanted to put this question without sounding like a horny frat boy, which is exactly what I was right now. "I kinda got a room here at the hotel. I wasn't sure how much we were planning on drinking, so I just wanted to have a safe place to crash if things got out of hand," I rush the words from my mouth.

"Oh," Josephine's cheeks flame as her eyes drift down to the crotch of my pants and back up. I had deflated a little, but just the lingering warmth of her body was enough to keep me saluting. The lust in her eyes tells me that she wants this just as bad as I do. She's shifting from side to side uncomfortably, and I pray to God I'll be in between those legs at some point tonight. "Can we leave?" she asks timidly, and I can physically feel the frown appear on my face. Did she not feel what I felt? I don't want to pressure her into doing anything she doesn't want to, but her confident dancing was just so enticing. She told me to devour her. What changed her mind? My thoughts are running a mile a minute when I feel a gentle squeeze in my hand that's still holding Josephine's. "Hero," a small smile forms on her lips. Is she reveling in my disappointment? Was this all some game to her? "Can we leave and go to the room?" Her question completely catches me off guard. Here I was ready to sulk alone in my room and jerk off all night, when in reality this intoxicating woman was trying to get me into the hotel room. I guess there really wasn't any blood left in my head.

"I thought you'd never ask," I smirk at her, flashing my dimple that I always catch her looking at. I immediately drag her out of the ballroom and across the lobby to the elevators, pressing the button 10 times in a row as if it'll make it come faster. I hear Jo's giggle next to me, and I can't help but laugh along at my impatience. The elevator finally arrives, and a few people get off, moving slower than molasses. I yank Jo into the elevator and press the button for the 15th floor, purposely hitting it multiple times just to hear her laugh again. The elevator starts to ascend, and Jo and I stand in opposite corners of the cart. As much as I want to pounce on her and take her right here in the elevator, I'd rather not get kicked out of the hotel before our night's even begun. Plus, this silence and tension is some of the hottest foreplay I've ever experienced.

Her pouty lips are shining with the gloss I've seen her reapply multiple times throughout the night, and I can't wait to taste the strawberry flavor of it. Her chest is rising and falling with heavy breaths and her pupils are dilated indicating her arousal. I've never seen a more beautiful creature in my life. The elevator dings after what feels like a lifetime, and I grab Jo's hand to lead her down the hallway towards our room. Our room. I can't deny that the thought of us sneaking away to the room was on my mind when booking the hotel, but I didn't want to get my hopes up. Plus, I did want to be safe in case we drank. I stop at the door labeled 1505, attempting to remove the key card from my wallet with one hand as my other still intertwines with Josephine's. I can feel her palms sweating. I can tell she's nervous, but I intend to make this night one she will never forget. The light blinks green as I open the door, entering the spacious hotel room I put on my dad's credit card. It's a bit extravagant for our uses, but the king-sized bed is practically begging for us to jump right in. The view from the floor to ceiling windows is breathtaking. Of course, my dirty mind immediately pictures Josephine pressed against the glass and me taking her from behind.

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