The Pep Rally

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"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" I hear a screeching female voice fill my room. I slowly open my eyes with a loud groan, my head is fucking pounding and I feel like I got hit by a train. The light coming through my window is far too bright and the broad in my bed is far too loud for this early in the morning. "It's almost noon! I was supposed to be at the pep rally 30 minutes ago," I peek through one eye to see a skinny blonde chick scrambling around my room picking her clothes up that are strewn across my floor. Elle, I think her name is? Who gives a fuck... I was clearly blacked out and horny and she was easy and more than willing. Just a typical weekend for me. I flop my body onto my stomach and cover my head with a pillow, effectively blocking her out and letting her know she's not getting a goodbye from me.

"Asshole," she mutters under her breath before storming out of my room. Before my door even has a chance to shut Sam comes flaunting in like he owns the place.

"Get your ass up, Tiffin! We got a pep rally to go to," Sam yanks my comforter off of my apparently naked body. "Bro, what the fuck!" he yells, hurriedly throwing the comforter back over my exposed ass.

"What are you fucking talking about? I'm not going to some stupid pep rally," I reply. He's out of his mind if he thinks I'm going to show up to some stupid school spirit event, an especially loud one at that.

"Khadijha invited me last night. Dude, she was all over me. I think she's finally gonna let me hit it." Well, that explains why he would ever show his face at a pep rally.

"One, she was wasted out of her mind last night. And two, if she was gonna fuck you, it would've happened by now," I reply, bursting his horny little bubble.

"Whatever, dude. Now get up, I'm not going alone. Meet me downstairs in five," he slams the door on his way out, making my head pound harder than before. Knowing he won't let up on this, I drag my hungover ass out of bed and throw on a pair of joggers, a plain white tee, and slap on a hat.

"Let's get this fucking over with," I groan as Sam and I walk out the door, heading in the direction of the quad on campus.

We make it to the quad just in time to see the cheerleading squad run into the middle, shaking their obnoxious pom-poms and cheering for the Cougars. I rolled my eyes. I never understood the point of these stupid cheerleaders. Are they just there to look at something pretty? It's definitely not a sport, that's for sure. It pisses me off that they offer full rides to be a cheerleader. Fucking bullshit.

"Shit, there she is," Sam slaps the back of his hand on my chest to get my attention. I see Khadijha's bright red hair smack dab in the middle of the pack, an overly enthusiastic smile on her face. "Fuck, her body in that uniform," Sam bites his knuckles, his eyes practically bulging out at the sight of her. She does look nice, but a bit too skinny and flat-chested for my liking. The cheerleaders were wearing what looks like a white sports bra with "Washington State" written across the front paired with a short white skirt. They were practically naked, plenty of cleavage and ass cheeks on display. I guess a pep rally wasn't such a bad idea, I just have to pick a better chick to bang than the one I ended up with last night.

The music starts and the cheerleaders start their dance, cheer, routine, whatever the fuck it's called. As soon as they start throwing girls in the air and flipping at the speed of light, I am more than impressed. This is definitely not the type of cheerleading I was expecting. Mercy forced me to watch Bring It On one time, and the only thing I got from it is that cheerleaders are vapid and obnoxious. But this is on a totally different level. First off, there's a shit ton of male cheerleaders that are fucking jacked. They're holding these girls up by themselves as they flip the fuck around. My head is spinning trying to keep up with all of it. I turn to look at Sam, his jaw is dropped as he takes in the performance.

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