Chapter 1: Stargazing

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I quietly climb out of my window onto the roof and look back over my shoulder to make sure no one comes in my room. I don't know why because my parents don't bother to even look at me anymore... except when my dad is drunk and that's when I truly want to escape through my window.

I close the window and walk to the ledge and dangle myself over. I'm hanging for a few seconds before I finally let go and land in the backyard. In the summer when the grass to crash and green, the drop feels comfortable, but in October, the grass is dead and it makes my arms itchy. I could always solve that problem by wearing a sweatshirt, but I never remember it until already in the backyard.
I stay quiet in the grass for a few seconds to make sure no one heard me then I head down to the corner where I meet my best friend almost every night.

I'm sitting on a bench waiting for her while smoking a cigarette. I look at my watch which shows at 10:40. We always meet at 10:30 and she's never late so I start to get nervous. Her dad abuses her. She's never tells me in detail what he does to her, but sometimes she comes with bruises on her arms and in the summer when she wears dresses, I see them on her legs. But she assures me that it's never in that way.

I start looking around left and right to see if she's coming. My legs start nervously bouncing and my hands shake. Usually a cigarette is what steadies my nerves, but right now it's not helping. Then I start pushing my glasses up on my head to rub my eyes which is another nervous habit.

I look at my watch again. 10:45.
I really hope she's okay...

Suddenly I hear someone running down the sidewalk. I look to the left and see her. Her short curtly red Hair is illuminated by the moon, she looks like she could actually catch fire.
I stand up in relief.
She smiles at me and runs up and gives me a tight hug. I hug back. She's the only person I trust to touch me without me getting hurt.

"Sorry I'm late!" Beverly says

"What happened? I was getting worried!"

"Oh, my dad didn't fall asleep as early as he usually does, so I had to wait to sneak out." She says while reaching in my pocket to grab my box of cigarettes.

She lights up and Looks at the start as she lets the smoke leave her lips.
She's pretty, I think to myself.

We sit down on the bench and I start another cigarette. We sit there stargazing for about an hour, neither of us saying a word, just going through my box of cigarettes.

I've always loved looking at the stars, it always reminds me that there's something else outside this crappy town. Something better out there. All I have to do is find it.

Finally Bev finishes her last cigarette and looks at me. Her blue eyes twinkle brighter than the stars.

"So, how long has your dad been back?" She asks

She knows the cycle with my parents. It starts with them being drunk pretty much all the time. When my mom's drunk she doesn't acknowledge anyone around her, but when my dad's drunk, it just reminds him of all the shit he's been through in his life and has to take it out in someone. Usually being me. Sometimes it's my mom, but she knows when to leave the living room and lock herself in their bedroom for safety, leaving me to take it from him. I don't have a lock on my door so he comes up and beats me. It doesn't happen as much now that I'm 16 and am strong enough to move my dresser in front of my door. But when he does get in He screams about how his life would've been fine if I wasn't around, that way he wouldn't be stuck with my mom. He sees us as anchors holding him back. I personally think it's his drinking problem and anger issues, but I would never say that to him.

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