Chapter 22: Taken

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I ended up staying with Eddie the rest of the day. He slept for most of it, occasionally waking up in a state of daze, but I was always able to calm him down.

I kept waiting to hear his mom come to check on him or anything, but she never came in. I couldn't decide which made me more mad. That she did this to him or that she doesn't care to make sure he's okay.
The sun is about to set before Eddie actually wakes up. I'm still holding him, he's curled up by my side using my chest for a pillow.

He wakes up and sits up on his bed. His room is filled with the orange and pink hues from the sunset. The colors swirl over Eddie making him look like a water color painting. I could tell he was starting to look back to normal.

"Richie?" He whispers

"Yeah, it's me baby." I brush my fingers against his cheek.

"What are you doing here? My mom will freak if she knows you're here." He grabs the hand I was caressing his face with and holds it tightly.

"I've been here all day and she still has no idea that I'm here." I say more harshly than I meant to. But then my demeanor changes, "how are you feeling?"

"Exhausted, but I don't know if I can fall asleep again right now... I can feel the effects of the pills still ready to kick in." He looks down at our hands sadly.

"You've gotta be at the end of it now. Last time this happened, I got here during the night and you were basically back to normal." I say trying to lighten the mood, knowing it doesn't work.

Eddie still looks down, but shakes his head, "no, it's not almost done. She gave me more pills this time..."

The burning anger I feel towards his mom continues to grow. But my heart is overwhelmed with my love for him. Even when his world is crashing around him, I want Eddie to know that I'm here for him.

He looks up to me, his eyes threatening to water again.

"Hey, it's okay. Please don't cry, I'm here and I'm gonna stay with you until you're better, okay?" I give him a hug and pull him back to lean on me.

Eddie didn't fall back asleep, but we both stay this way neither of us talking.

Suddenly we hear footsteps walking around downstairs and it sounds like they're heading towards the stairs. Eddie bolts up and stands.

"You have to go!" He starts shoving me towards the window.

"What? No! Eds, I'm not leaving you again after last night!"

Eddie's eyes were beginning to glaze over again. "You have to! I can't have her knowing you're here." He kept shoving, but I refuse to budge.

I grab his shoulders and make him look at me. "Eddie, I'm not leaving you!"

The footsteps are getting closer. "Rich, I love you, but I need you to go right now! Please!" He was begging me now.

I must've looked as sad as I felt because he then says, "At least wait on the roof!"

I footsteps are down the hall. "Fine, I'll wait outside."

I jump out the window. Eddie is still functioning enough to close it and the curtains. Locking the window just in case his mom investigates it.

(Eddie's POV)

My head is still swimming, but I'm not in as deep as before. I still had a dull headache though.

I can't believe I remembered to re-lock the window. I don't know if my mom will check it, but I'm not taking any chances.

I jump back in bed and cover myself with the blankets as my mom walks in. "How are you feeling, Eddie Bear?" In her annoying sugar sweet voice.

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