Chapter 8: On the Roof

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Eddie peeked through the bathroom door for his mom before we walked back to his room.

He closed the door while I look at his collection of books and comics on the shelf. He sits on the edge of his bed, watching me. I glance at him and realize that his feet don't even touch they ground, they dangle.

"How cute can this kid get?" My stomach erupted again.

Finally I lean against the bookshelf and we stare at each other.

"Eddie's blushing! Why is Eddie blushing?!" My heart was about ready to burst, but it's true, he was blushing! And his blushing was making me blush!

Finally he looked away.

"Umm, thanks again, Eds. I should probably go..." I walk towards the window


I turn to him. He swiveled around on the bed to face the window, now his legs were curled up under him.

"I, Umm... about what happened..." he looked nervous and started picking at his cuticles.

"Oh yeah... that..." I walk back to Eddie, but don't sit on the bed, I felt like I shouldn't, so I sat on the floor instead.

"I won't say anything... if you don't want me to?... I guess, what do you want me to do?"

We held each other's gaze.

"I don't want you to say anything... Beverly is the only one who knows what goes on. I just don't want people to know..."

He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it and shook his head. Instead he reaches for my hand again, "Okay, I won't say anything."

I grab his hand back and move my thumb in circles around the back of it. I really wanted to know what he was gonna say. He clearly has questions. I would too to be honest.

We sit like this for a while. Then we hear Eddie's mom walking up the stairs.

"Shit!" Eddie whispers, "you gotta go!"

I go to the window, open it and climb out. Eddie was about to close it as I walk to the edge.

"Wait! Actually don't go yet, she'll only be a second." He closes the window and curtains, but I wait on the roof.

I look up at the stars. I remember stargazing with Bev and how the stars never shined as bright as her eyes. But when Eddie told me to wait, his eyes were shining too and I think his might put Bev's to shame.

Eddie opened the window again and joins me on the roof. "Sorry, she was telling me goodnight..."

"How sweet, Eds!"

"Don't call me that. It's Eddie!" He threw his arms up and let them fall by his side frustratedly, but he still sounds slightly amused.

I lean over and pinch his cheek, "cute, cute, cute!"

"Get off me, asshole!" He pushes my hand away, laughing.

I lean against the side of the house and continue looking at the stars. Eddie snuggles super close to me like in the hammock. I hesitate, but then put my arm across his shoulders, He lays his head on mine.

The butterflies burst again.

Finally I lay my head on top of his.

We sat like that for hours. Until Eddie fell asleep.

"He's sleeping on my shoulder!" I didn't know what to do other than make damn sure I didn't even flinch!

He was asleep for a while before the cold air finally woke him up. He looked up at me and blushed deeply. I could tell even in this darkness.

"You should probably go..." Eddie finally says

I was kinda hurt, but knew he was right.

"That is, if you're gonna be okay at home?!" He suddenly asked super worried.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. They're both passed out by now." I say

"Oh my gosh, he's genuinely worried about me!" My thoughts were racing

Eddie nods, but still looks unsure about the situation.

Finally he sits up and I uncross my arm. Eddie looked at me one more time before going to his window. He opens it and steps inside, but leaves it open. I scoot over to see what he's doing.

He's still standing at his window, but looked super nervous, he was shaking. He suddenly grabbed his aspirator and used it once.

"Eds, you okay?" I was really concerned, he was just fine.

"Don't call me that." He looked down, opened his mouth to speak, but closed it like he did earlier.

"What is it?" I really wanted to know what was bothering him.

"About what your dad said... when he said, "fag stuff"...? He clearly doesn't think anything good about it." He was nervously picking his cuticles again.

I sat on the windowsill so my legs are in his room. I reach out to him, wanting to pull him close, but then stop and put my arms down.

"He umm... he doesn't agree with it. But he only said something because he saw us holding hands, but I know that's not what you were thinking..." well I actually don't know what Eddie was thinking when he kept grabbing my hand today. And I was even more surprised when we cuddled in the hammock... and now on the roof.

Eddie nods, still looking down. "What... what do you think about it? Being gay?..."

"It's fine. I think people can love whoever they want to. Why are you asking?..."

Eddie didn't respond. I sat patiently waiting for a response. "I bet this is what he wanted to ask earlier?"

We didn't move. He wouldn't look at me, just kept twiddling with his fingers. I sat staring at him, I wasn't gonna leave until I knew he was okay.

"You okay, Eds?"

Eddie sighed, finally looking up at me. He stepped in between my legs. "Don't call me that." He whispers

He stands on his tiptoes, wraps his arms around my neck and he closes his eyes as he kisses me right on the lips.

It takes me completely off guard. My eyes widen tremendously. I didn't know if I should kiss him back or not, or if I should wrap my arms around him too or not. I just know that I didn't want to do what I did next. I pulled away.

Eddie feels this rejection and jumps back. "I'm sorry!"

"No, Eds I'm sorry! It just took me off guard!"

"No, I should've asked first. That was wrong of me, I'm sorry!"

"No! Seriously it's okay!" I say coming in his room again.

Eddie was looking at the floor hugging himself as what appears to be a coping technique.

I step to him and this time I'm the one to put my hand under his chin. I turn his head up and look at his lips. I slowly lean over until our lips are about to meet.

"Is this okay?" I whisper

Eddie barely finishes nodding before I'm kissing him.

I move my hands to cup his cheeks, I'm still leaning over, he helps by going on his toes again, wrapping his arms the same way he did before. Both of us had our eyes closed.

I don't know how long we kissed, but we finally untangle from each other. Both of us breathing heavily out of embarrassment and longing.

Eddie starts to giggle giddily.

"He's so cute!" I think, my heart melting at the sight of him.

"I better go..." I whisper, smiling like a fool.

He only nods.

I climb out the window and walk over to the ledge. I look at him one more time before dangling myself over to drop to the ground.

"Bye, Eds."

"Bye, Richie."

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