Chapter 44: Devious

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Eddie continued to warm up to me again more and more. Every once in a while the voltage would pull him away from me, but it was something we were working on and he was usually able to ignore it. I was always scared that I was pushing him too much. I never wanted him to feel uncomfortable so I let him take the lead, I'm always willing to follow him. I'd follow him forever if he asked me to!

"... damn I'm whipped!" I say to myself, but laugh.

The wall breaks more and more with each day. I can't wait for it to shatter completely. On that day I'll be able to see him fully again. To feel him fully again.

All of us were meeting for a movie, I see Eddie walking to the rest of us with Stan.

I wrap my arm across his shoulder. "Hey, Eds!"

His face scrunches, "don't call me that!"

Ben and Bev were holding hands. Stan and Bill embraced when he walked up too. The I spot mike staring back and forth between all of us. It kinda made me feel awkward.

"Is this too weird for you, Mikey?..."

He laughs. "No, I really love being the seventh wheel!" He says sarcastically

I cock an eyebrow. "Well if you're interested in joining in on the action, I'm sure Stenbrough over there will take you in."

Both Stan and Bill's eyes widen and they blush crazily. But Mike only groans and rolls his eyes, "beep beep, Richie!" He chuckles

We all watch the movie. It was some romance movie. It was super sappy and ridiculously cliche, but I'll take any opportunity to cuddle Eddie. Who by the way started crying while watching it. It was silent so only I heard.

"You okay, Eds?" I ask worriedly

"Yeah, I'm fine." He sniffles and looks at me. "it's just so sweet."

I couldn't believe this kid. How can he become even cuter with each day? I didn't think it was possible.

I silently laugh in the theater. "And you call me sappy!" I say jokingly

He quietly slaps my arm, "shut up!" But he smiles up at me. His dark brown eyes reflect the screen. The flashes of color across his cheeks is more mesmerizing than any movie.

I lean over to him and lightly kiss his cheek, then his lips. He kisses back, then lays his head back on my shoulder as we scoot closer together despite the armrest between us.

After the movie Stan and Bill go off somewhere, Mike, Ben and Bev decide to go get ice cream.

"You guys coming?" Bev asks

"No, we'll see you later." We wave and I grab Eddie's hand as we walk.

It's still early, the sun hasn't set yet, but it's always like that during the summer. It's almost set though.

We walk hand in hand down the street until we get to the park after making a quick stop at my house to grab something.

"Why do you have a blanket?" Eddie asks curiously.

"You'll see."

I lead Eddie across the grass field people play football and stuff on, there's a secluded patch of trees on the other side. I guide Eddie through the trees because there isn't a path. In the center is a clearing. It's darker in here, more private and really pretty when the sun goes down.

"I never knew this was here." Eddie looks around.

"I actually found it by accident while you were gone. Bowers and Co. were chasing me and I just stumbled upon it. I always wanted to bring you here though."

I set up the blanket on the soft grass, Eddie was picking wild flowers.

I sat down and watched him. The fading sunset colors gaze a romantic glow to our hideaway. His delicate fingers moved through the flowers, examining each one before picking it.

"You seem very intense about picking flowers." I say to him

He looks over at my and smiles, "I'm trying to find the best ones to match you." He says dreamily

I giggle, "huh?"

But he stands up satisfied. "Got it!" He walks over to me and joins on the blanket.

He's holding a boutique in one hand, it's an assortment of all different kinds in every color of the rainbow. But in his other hand he holds a collection of tiny blue ones with ling stems.

He gently weaves the stems together in a ring shape. I watch his gorgeous fingers the whole time.

"Done." He says with a tiny smile.

"Congrats... what is it?"

He scoots closer to me and puts the flower crown on my head.

He sits back and takes a long look at me. "You're really gorgeous, Rich." He smiles affectionately. "The blue flowers look adorable with your curls."

I blush everywhere. I shake my head, I don't know what to do with all the loving attention.

"You really think so?" I finally ask


He glides across the blanket back to me and pulls me to lay next to him.

The sun is completely set now, but it's still warm. His eyes shine bright, he looks like he was born from the stars, made up of stardust. He's a shooting star and I was lucky enough to catch hold.

He glances up and suddenly gasps, enthralled by the sight. "Look at the stars, love!"

His enthusiasm makes my heart flutter. I look up too, but reluctantly. The sight is beautiful, but not as beautiful as the shining star next to me.

"It's so pretty. I've never seen them so bright."

The passion and excitement in his voice is music to my ears.

I let my hand slip to the side of us and find his soft fingers. I lace them together. "Not as pretty as you, baby." I whisper

Eddie looks down away from the sky and tries to hide his smile. He turns and looks back at me. He rolls onto his stomach, our faces almost touch. He closes his eyes, I do the same as he starts littering my face with soft kisses, each sending chills down my spine.

He moves impossibly closer to me. His lips move to mine and I feel sparks light up between us. I kiss him back hard, but still affectionately.

He tugs at my hair, my hands rest on his waist. He climbs his way on top of me, but he's so light I hardly feel it.

He starts to kiss me more aggressively, but stops briefly and asks, "is this okay?"

"Of course it's okay." I say in between our kiss, "kinda devious, don't you think?"

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