Chapter 7: Punched

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We stayed in the clubhouse for hours talking and playing games, but Eddie and I never left the hammock once.

Bev noticed us cuddling and smiled at me smugly.

"I'm gonna be hearing a lot about this later, that's for sure!" I say to myself

It was incredible down there, but also freezing sense it was the end of October and underground.

Stanley looked at his watch. 7:00pm.

"I'm gonna be late for dinner." He says sadly standing up.

"Ugh! Me too!" Mike says

No one wanted to leave the sanctuary of the clubhouse. No one wanted to leave the safety of the other losers.

Everyone got up to leave and started grabbing their stuff. The second Eddie climbed out of the hammock, my hand ached to be held by him. I craved to be cuddling again with his head on my shoulder.

But when Eddie stood up he stayed right by my side.

"Will you walk me home?" He looked up and asked kinda embarrassed, I thought I might die of cuteness overload.

"Aww Eds. Do you really need an escort?" I asked smugly

"Oh my god, don't call me that! And forget I asked!" He started to walk away from me, and I am now the one to grab his hand.

"No, it's fine! I'll walk you home."

He kept his back to me, but him intertwining his fingers again was answer enough.

We said goodbye to everyone and started walking to his house. We didn't say anything, but his hand never left mine. It was a freezing night, but just being with him and his touch kept me warm.

He took the lead because it was his house and I didn't say anything when we were passing mine.

Suddenly Eddie stopped and pulled me to stop with him. His face was really concentrated.

"What's up?" I looked down to him, but he didn't respond. He was listening for something.

I started listening too. It started out quiet, just barely auditable, then it got louder and louder. I turned to the source of the sound, it was coming from my house.

It was my parents fighting.

Eddie turned his head towards my house too. I didn't know if he was going to say anything or not, but I didn't want to know.

"Come on..." I started to walk. He stayed where he was for a few seconds, looking at my house before he started following. But we barely passed the lawn before the front door banged open.

Usually my mom screams at my dad to get out and he does, but this time, she practically threw him out.

He stumbled down the front steps and fell backwards, but stood right back up like nothing happened. He grabbed her and screamed something in her face. I was so embarrassed and horrified that this was happening I couldn't make out what either of them were saying though.

Eddie his behind me, but was still peeking around.

My mom glanced away from my dad and saw us standing there. Then she turned her head completely, my dad demanded to know what she was looking at, but she didn't respond. Finally he turned around and saw us too.

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