Chapter 26: 46 Days

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I kept a tally of how many days I've been here. Day 46. Just over a month.

Life here was very repetitive, it drove me crazy. I didn't mine a daily routine at home, but something always broke it up whether it was my friends or Richie, something new happened everyday. But here I have morning pills and checkup, afternoon pills and group session, and night pills and free time. The day always drags on.

David was actually really nice and helped me adjust, I have no idea what he was here for, but it was better to be with him than be alone.

We were both hanging out in the common area, the nurses were passing out afternoon pills, when the girl I saw the first day was giving them attitude about taking hers. She defiantly refused to take them, stomping her foot at their encouragement. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but finally a nurse got her to take them.

Her name's Kennedy, I met her in group therapy... we didn't actually talk, but she had to answer some question about guilt. Other than in group, she doesn't talk to anyone.

David was rambling about something, but I wasn't paying attention. He rambles a lot and that's coming from me.

The nurse came to us and we both took our pills without question.

Group therapy is always after lunch, the doctors split us into small groups and we sit in a circle, listening to them talk. The topics are usually the difference between right and wrong, guilt, stuff like that. They always talk to us like we're little kids who have no idea what's happening. 'Going over the basics' they say.

Tonight during free time, David and I were doing a puzzle when Kennedy comes up to our table. She didn't say anything, but takes a seat and starts helping.

David and I glance at each other, but I shrug it off and continue.

The nurses start handing out candy to all of us. Kennedy takes a bag of M&Ms and waits for the nurse to walk away.

"So how's your first month going, kid?"

Her green eyes lock mine, I feel lost in them and can't look away. But in an uncomfortable way, not the way Richie's eyes make me melt in their hold.

"Uhh... I Umm..." how in the world do I answer that? Say it's the greatest month of my life?

She laughs, it's quiet and sweet, but I know that I can trust her then. "I know, terrible question, right?"

David laughs too, I smile and feel myself relax.

"Umm fine... I guess."

"What were you checked in for?" She doesn't care about privacy in the slightest.

David and I glance at each other again. "Come on." She rolls her eyes, "we're all in this together!" She says cheerfully, but it's not fake like the nurses.

"Well if you're so ready to share, why don't you go first?" David asks returning to the puzzle, thinking the conversations over.

"Okay! I'm here because I set my house on fire." She says it like its no big deal, like that's a common thing.

"Seriously? Why?" David looks back up at her

"My own reasons. Your turn!"

"I sleep walk."

"That's not the reason you're here! Why'd you get checked in?"

"My own reasons." He went back to the puzzle and didn't say another word.

"What about you, kid?" She turns in her chair and folds her legs criss crossed.

I meet her gaze and hold it for a second. "I have no idea."

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