Chapter 3: The Losers Club

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I'm still standing in the doorway, When Bev finally runs up to me.

"Come on."

I look back to the bikes. Stanley, Bill, and Mike are already on theirs. Ben and Eddie aren't here yet.

"Come on!" Beverly says again grabbing my hand to pull me with her.

"I don't know, Bev. I think I'm just gonna go home..."

"No! You said you'd come! We're only going to the diner anyways."

"I...uh... I don't even have any money on me so..."

"I'll pay for you." She says

"I don't know what I'm gonna say to them."
I'm trying to find some way for her to let me out of our deal.

"I'll help if the conversation ever gets awkward."

"They Won't know what to say to me either."

"I'll take care of it!" Beverly says now stomping her foot in frustration. "You're coming. Please! I want to be able to hang out with you more and I know everything will be fine." She says more calmly now.

I look at her. The sun is making her eyes a brilliant iridescent blue. There's such kindness and exceptance in them that I finally give in.

We get to the others and I get on my bike and the others only glance my way. Stan looks disgusted and terrified at the same time. Ben walks up and Beverly goes to him and gives him a kiss on the lips. They have a private couple conversation. Ben's eyes are filled with a puppy dog love that is for her and her only. Both are blushing profusely.

"Hey guys!" Ben says getting on his bike.

"Hey!" The others say in unison

"Hi Richie!" He comes up on his bike and stops right next to me.


"Where's E-ee-Eddie?" Bill asks Ben

"He was asking Mrs. Morris a question. He'll be out in a minute."

The others go into their own conversations so I put my headphones back on and grab a different tape out of my backpack. Queen this time.
I look at each of them in turn.

Bill is the leader of the group according to Bev. Tall and slim, reddish brown hair and green eyes. He's pretty typical looking for a teenager, but theirs a pride and understanding that seems to be beyond even an adults capability.

Mike has perfect brown skin and brown eyes. He's taller than Bill, he might be taller than me but I'm not sure. He has a big build for a kid in high school, but I know that he works his grandpa's farm so that must come with a lot of hard labor. His eyes are kind. Maybe even kinder than Beverly's.

Stanley. He's about Bev's height, having not hit his true growth spurt. His eyes are light brown (he's trying very hard not to look at me) and light brown curly hair. He looks like a miniature adult. Everything about him is very clean cut for a 15 year old kid, but if his dad's the rabbi, that could be the reason?

Ben is a little shorter than Beverly and he's pretty chubby... brown eyes, light brown hair. He actually seems pretty nice, but like he tries too hard... I wonder if he's going to try too hard with me because he knows how much this means to Bev.

"There he is." I hear Mike through my headphones

I don't even look up because I know it's just Eddie. But Beverly finally notices that I'm wearing my headphones and smacks my arm.

I glare at her, but take them off. I'm putting my Walkman in my backpack when I hear Eddie say, "hey guys!"

I look over at him and experienced something that has never happened before. In that moment, it was like Eddie and I were the only two people in the world.

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