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I was getting ready when I heard a knock on my door. I opened my door and It was Edmund.

"Yes, little brother?"

He walked in and throw himself on the bed. I ignored him and continue getting ready. Last night, not only I received a beautiful dress from the princess but also some makeup. She said she wanted me to look good and have fun and don't worry about anything because I've been working so hard for the past week. She also added that I deserve to have fun.

I thanked her endlessly for her kindness and generosity.



"There are going to be a lot of princesses tonight..." Ed said out of nowhere. I turned to him and indicate him to continue.

"D-Do I look good?" He asked while staring at the wall. I laughed. Hard.

"Ugh, you're annoying!" He threw a pillow at me and groaned. I still haven't finished laughing my arse off at him.

"Aww look at little Edmund wanting to find a beautiful princess to be his lifetime partner.."I teased him and pinched his cheek. He groaned for the 100th time and slapped my hand away.

"Relax! I'm kidding. You look good. Handsome, even. Mum would say you look like a prince. Prince Edmund." I said and laid beside him. I didn't know what time it was but I was sure our presence didn't matter much to the guests and the royalties. If we were late no one would notice.

"I miss her..."

"I miss her too, Ed."

"What do you think she's doing right now?"

"I don't know..." Then it was silence for a few minutes. We were both deep in our thoughts.

"You know what, she's a strong woman. I know she's out there safe and taking care of herself. She's brave. Now come on, Ed. Let's find you some princess." I got up and straightened my dress. It was puffy and I felt like a princess.

"There could be some prince too, you know?" He said while I closed the chamber's door. We walked side by side and went to the hall. The kitchen was full of staffs so we decided it was the best for us not to walk in and bothered them with our presence.

We were hoping that the party had started and no one would notice our presence. I mostly would just stand there at the corner of the ballroom and watch people have fun.

I haven't seen Kat or the princess at all today. I saw the prince this morning during training and we've upgraded our training from wooden stick to the real sword and some armour now.

The guard opened the door for us and as I expected, the party had started. I let out a relieved sigh and my eyes were searching for Kat or the princess to wish her a birthday wish and to thank her for everything she had done for me.

But the ballroom was full of puffy dresses and beautiful faces so I gave up on finding her in the room. If I didn't find her in this room then I'd just walked to her room.

Ed and I stood at the corner and took some drink and dessert. I looked around and saw that 90% of the decorations of the party were in gold colour. Even the cake. Luxurious.

"Hey, I'm going to find James. I'll be back." Ed said and walked away. I didn't get a chance to say I want to follow him. So I was left alone.

"Good evening." I heard someone's unfamiliar voice talking to me.I turned to my right and saw a man smiling at me. He must've been a prince by the attire he was wearing. What do I do? Curtsy?

"Good evening." That was all I said back.

"I'm Zayn, Prince of Sezrira." He introduced himself and waited for me to introduce myself.

"Evelyn White," I replied with a smile. He was handsome. Candy to the eyes. His eyelashes are longer than most girls. His brown eyes that looked like honey. I was almost starstruck.

"Nice to meet you, Princess Evelyn." Then he took my right hand and kiss it. Like a true gentleman. My cheek went pink.

"Oh no, I'm not a princess," I said to him with a worried smile. I didn't want him to think I'm an imposter or something for agreeing with him every time he calls me a princess.

"Oh, you're not?" I shooked my head and told him that I'm just someone who worked in the palace. It's the truth...I was working to be a knight. I didn't want to tell him about my village or that I was training to be a knight because I just met him.

"Are you new? Because I've never seen you before." I nodded.

"So you come to Nevaeh often?" I asked dumbly. But, to think about it twice, it wasn't that dumb. I mean there were hundreds of staffs in this kingdom and he said he has never seen me. So does it mean he had met every staff before?

"Yeah, since I was a kid actually. My father is a good friend to your king." Oh. Yeah. He probably had met 95% of the kingdom's staff.

"Oh, so you're friend with the prince then?"

"You could say that. Why?" He asked me back with an interesting look on his face.

"Oh. Nothing. Just wondering."

"So...what do you do?" After a few seconds, he asked me, I was hoping that he'd not ask me that question and that Edmund would hurry up and come back to where I was but, of course, the universe hates me.

"Uh...uh...stuff," I answered while my eyes were looking at other things than his eyes. He was giving me his full attention.

"What kind of stuff?"

"Just stuff," I answered shortly and shrugged. He laughed and shooked his head.

"Okay, okay. I won't ask again if you don't want to tell me." He put up both of his hands in a surrender's pose and I said thank you and laughed along. He was nice to be around.

"Well...well...well...look who it is." Suddenly, a voice was heard from behind us.


THANKS FOR READINGi love you, you've made my day ♡                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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