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The kitchen was super busy today. The number of kitchen staffs doubled and the noise of people talking and yelling combined with sounds of pans hitting one another and ingredients sizzling were all I could comprehend during that time.

Body bumping into one another and there was barely any space to sit. Everyone was busy with the tasks that no one had time to sit and chat.

I had just found out last night that tonight, the castle was throwing a ball party for the one and only, Prince Harry Styles. It was his birthday. I was shocked. Me and him never talked about little things like our birthday, our favourite colour or our favourite food. The fact that we knew about each other's favourite flowers but not each other's birthday was funny.

I hadn't seen him for a few days now. I guess he was busy and I was too. Being a kitchen girl seemed simple but it was not. Especially when the big party of the year was coming up.

It has been a couple of days since I met Minister Farrington and I forced myself to not overthink and just keep myself calm. I needed to believe in him and the knights and I must not think of the worse.

Today I was assigned a lot of tasks. More than usual. I was told that the royals had invited a lot of royal family from all over the world. More than Princess Gemma's guests. I guess he was indeed famous because he was handsome, brilliant and of course, a single man. Every kings and queen from all over the world would want their princess to marry him. Plus Navaeh was a very big and successful kingdom.

This time, I won't be seeing the party like last time since I'll be busy working in the kitchen making sure the foods were enough for hundreds of guests and everything looked in order. I was hoping to see the princesses' dresses and how everything looked but I tried not to complain. I was grateful.

I continued with my job consisting of peeling, cutting, mixing and more. Marilyn would sometimes come and told me what I needed to do and how I needed to do. She was rushed. She looked almost, stressed. So I tried not to make any mistakes that would frustrate anyone. They didn't need it.

"Evelyn dear, come here," Marilyn called me while I was helping Ruth caramelized onions. A lot of onions may I add. It took hours to caramelize those.

"Yes, Mar?" I wiped my dirty hands on my apron and smiled when I approached her.

"They just told me one of the servants fell sick this morning and wouldn't be able to serve the guest for the party. Would you replace the place? We can't risk the guest from getting sick" I was stunned.

"Um, what about my tasks?" I asked. I mean, I did have a lot on my tab and I felt kinda bad to leave them hustling in the kitchen.

"No don't worry about it. We got enough people for tonight." She said.

"Are you sure? I can finish my job first then I'll serve the guest later tonight." I answered.

"No my love. The party will start soon. You need to go and get ready and change your outfit. You smell of garlic. You need to shower." She whispered the last part and pinched my cheeks. I giggled and nodded.

She told me I had to go and meet the head of the servant for the party and ask what I needed to do and ask for one of the servant's uniform for the night. I smiled and kissed her cheeks, thanking her.

After I met with Savannah, a middle-aged lady who was the head of the servants for the party, she thanked me for saving her. She said they really needed a lot of servants because the numbers of guests were huge. She then told me how I needed to act and what I needed to do during the night. She also gave me a white and baby blue cotton dress that I needed to wear that night.

"Tie your hair in a bun and come down to the room across the kitchen at six." She told me in a rush. Everyone was in a rush that day. I nodded and thanked her.

It was already 4:30 and I went to my chamber to get ready. I still felt, weird that I had my own personal chamber, unlike other staffs and servants. But I pushed the thought to the back of my head and started getting ready. I needed to look presentable and nice for the party even just as a servant.

I braided my hair and tied it in a bun. My bangs were getting longer and it almost covered my eyes. It would be a total lie if I say I wasn't excited to see him. To see him in his formal attire that took my breath away the first time I saw him in it which was during his sister's party.

I haven't talked to him for a few days, so the feeling of missing and excited was a little overwhelming. I finished getting ready at 5:30 and decided to stay in my chamber for a while before heading down. I didn't want to smell like garlic again and ruin my whole appearance during the party.

After laying down spacing into spaces, it was time for me to go down. A lot of the servants were already there waiting for Savannah. I chatted with some of the servants and they were nice. We stopped talking when Savannah came and told everyone their tasks for the night like handing out drinks or desserts or appetizers and so on.

I was given a simple job in my opinion. Handing out desserts. All I needed to do was walk around and ask the guest if they would like some desserts like cake or some pastries. Easy.

"Everyone understand? Any questions?" Everyone nodded and shook their head. We then went to the kitchen to take our own trays that were filled with foods, cakes and drinks. We walked slowly to the big great ballroom carrying our tray carefully.

I gasped when we stepped into the ballroom. It was magnificent. Everything was gold. The decorations, the five tiers cake decorated in white and gold, the chandeliers were high and shining brightly in the middle of the ballroom.

Around seven, the guest was starting to show up. Soon, the ballroom was filled with people. Big puffy dresses, long silky hair, big buns, colourful dresses and beautiful faces. I had gone a few times to the kitchen to fill up my tray.

I saw Kat and Princess Gemma who were already in the ballroom talking to some princesses. Kar waved at me and I only smiled since my hands were occupied. The prince and James were nowhere to be seen. Then I heard gasps and whimpers from some of the princesses.

I looked back and I instantly inhaled a sharp breath. There he was.

The man of the hour. Walking down the big majestic stairs in slow motion. He wore a black and gold outfit. His long hair was bouncing as he walked down the stairs. He was walking normally but in my eyes and mind, he was walking in super slow motion. He smiled and nodded at everyone who was watching him.

Everyone wanted to look at him. He was charismatics, magnetic, electric and everybody knew it. When he walked in, every women's head turned, everyone stood up to talk to him. He was something so precious, valuable, something so expensive that everyone wishes they had a piece of him in their grasp.

He was, golden.



i love you, you've made my day ♡

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