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(Harry's POV)

"What are you thinking about?" James silently asked me while we both riding our horses on our way to the village.

"What makes you think I'm thinking about something?"

"You're awfully quiet. You let your knights lead the group. You haven't been listening to anything I just ranted and you also squint and shook your head a few times."James and I were riding on our horses in the middle of the group. And by the group, I mean all of the knights, Edmund and Minister Farrington. I let him and my knight to led the group this time. Usually, I'd be in the front, leading. Not this time.

I didn't answer James's question. I didn't have an answer.

"It's not your fault," James added.

"It is," I answered back. Almost too quiet.

"She left on her own." Edmund was riding in the front with the others so I was glad that he couldn't listen to the conversation.

"I shouldn't say what I said. I shouldn't forbid you from stop seeing her," I continued. The guilt was slowly eating me up. I could never forgive myself if anything bad happens to her.

"You're human as well. Human has feelings." And I guess that was the end of the conversation because I didn't reply and he wasn't adding anything else. We stayed quiet and a few minutes later, we've arrived.

"Good God," James said as soon as we laid our eyes on the village. It was horrendous. Houses were burned. Things were thrown out.

We got off our horses and the trained knights did what they were trained. They scattered in pairs to see and make sure they were no threats nearby. I looked over to Edmund and saw his face changed. He was sad, worried and scared. He was only a boy.

"Volkscreed." Minister Farrington said.

"Let's look around and see if she was here or if she left anything behind." They nodded and we started walking in different directions. James stayed close beside me. We went to every single house and found nothing that indicated she was even there. We knew that one of the horses from the palace was missing and we think that she took it. But where?

"Where's Edmund?" I asked.

"There." James pointed to a house that fortunately looked alright for the state of the village. Edmund was standing in front of the house. Staring. He did not step foot into the house nor do anything.

We both walked to him and that was when he snapped out of whatever he was thinking. It was like he was hallucinated. His body was there but his mind wasn't.

"Is this your house?" He nodded.

"I'm sorry. The memories flashed back. The screams, the heat, my mom's voice and, and Eve's shaking hands when she had to let go of mum's..." His voice was trembling. I knew he was scared. The day of the attack really impacted him.

"We're going to find them, Ed." I hugged his shoulder with my left arm and he nodded. Quickly wiping his teary eyes before anyone could see. James and I kept quiet, giving him privacy for a few moments. I stepped into the house. It was horrible. All of the things were broken. It doesn't look like the intruder was looking for something, but it looked like they were just throwing things for... nothing.

After looking around for something that maybe could give us any sign, we found absolutely nothing. I was starting to have doubts about whether she was really there or not? Was I wrong? Where did she go?

"Your Highness," Minister Farrington came and asked us to follow him.

"One of the knights found this near the tree. We also found hoof near it." He explained and gave me a piece of hair ribbon. It was hers. She wore it all the time during training. It was hers. She was here. She came to the village.

"We think that she was on her way to the horse and something happened. She struggled on the ground and her hair ribbon tie became loose. I nodded. It all makes sense. She was struggling. From what? What happened?

"Do you think it's Volkscreed?" I asked.

"We think so, Your Highness." What is it with them and the village? Why took Evelyn?

"I think my sister came here to see if my mom left something,"

"But we found nothing." Minister Farrington cut him.

"I know that. But you also know Evelyn. She wants to do everything herself. She needed to see it for herself. You know that, Minister." Edmund was getting pissed. He lost his mom, his sister and his voice weren't being heard. I stayed silent.

"What do you think happened, Ed?" James took over.

"I think she came here to see it for herself and she planned to come back to Navaeh but someone from Volkscreed took her away. Maybe maybe because they knew she escaped that day."


"Your Highness,"

"We have to go to Volkscreed."

"With all due respect, it's not possible, Your Highness." Before I can say anything, he continued.

"We don't know if any threats are waiting for us there or if people were waiting to ambush us in the middle of the way. We are underprepared, my prince." He explained. I looked up and look at all of my knights. They didn't show any feelings. If I say we have to go to Volkscreed now. They will follow. And they will follow me wherever I asked.

But I didn't want to jeopardize their life.

"Let's go back. I need to talk to my father."

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