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Today was the day that my fate was going to be decided. The day I will know if I were going to be a knight of the kingdom or not. The day that everyone will watch I roar with success or sobs with tears.

Either way, I was nervous. I did not sleep a second last night. Not a blink. I was nervous and my anxiety was kicking in. I was overwhelmed by my feelings. I threw up twice.

I didn't eat much that evening because my anxiety was kicking in right after I finished my last practice. I didn't sleep at all, my nervousness consumed me and my overthinking took over my mind. Around four I threw up once. Then at five, I threw up again thinking about how there were a thousand ways for me to mess up the whole test or performance or whatever you want to call it.

Then at six, I decided to suck it up and started getting ready even though I was a couple of hours early. I tied my hair in a tight braid and put on my armours that were heavier than my whole weight.

At eight, I was in the tent - set up for me and some other knights that I will fight later that day.

"Are you okay?" I nodded. Taking a sip of my water. When I got nervous, I didn't talk much. Or at all.

"You'll be totally fine. I'll make sure of it, Evelyn." I closed my eyes for a few seconds and took a deep breath. I can do this. I had to do this. I kept repeating my short mantra to prepare myself for what was about to come.

"If you're nervous or scared, look at me. I'll be there. Till the end." I nodded and smile at the green eyes that always calms me.

"Your Highness, the king and queen have arrived." One of the knights came to call the prince. He looked at me one last time and gave me another round of encouragement and left the tent.

Moments later, I was called to present myself in front of the royals. Apparently, I was stupid enough to think that only Minister Farrington that would be there as one of the ministers. But the whole cabinet and I mean every minister you could think of were there. I sucked in a deep breath.

Then the king started the whole thing by telling everyone what was going to happen and precisely told everyone to take this seriously even though it was a new thing for the kingdom. The minister could give their views and comments after I finished my whole performance but eventually, only the king had the last say.

I zoned out a bit and I know it was rude of me but I happened. For some reason, my nervousness was still there. Without thinking, I turned my head from looking straight - to left and looked at him. Without expecting, he was already looking at me. No emotions were shown by him and so did I.

We both stared at each other while his father told me and everyone else about rules for the test which was — no one can help me by screaming ways to survive or how to kill the enemies or some other things I can't seems to focus.

"You may start now." was the last thing I heard before I started with the first level. Archery. One of my best skills. The thing that made me comfortable. I loved the way the wind felt the second the arrow left my finger and how it hit the target.

I was given a short amount of time to hit all the target. One after one, I hit the target without hesitation. Ed's and James's voice were heard screaming encouragement and supports.

"Go, Eve! You can do it!" "Yes, Eve!"

Speed was my strength so I had no problem to hit all of the targets in such a short time. After all, archery was my best skill.

Then I went on with the next levels which consist of fighting on a horse with other knights with a sword, nunchucks, knives and other weapons. So far nothing bad had happened. But I was far from feeling relief.

The last level was me fighting the kingdom's best knights. There were three. They were chosen by the king himself to fight me. I had to fight them, 'kill' them and survive and 'stay alive'.

The second we heard the king said "Start" I was quick to run and lunged at the first knight. He was the biggest knight out of all three. He barely moved when I push him. He was going to grab my sword but I was quick to move to my right and sneaked behind him to hit his head with my armour.

He stumbled a few times and winced, holding his head. Well, that gave me at least a few minutes gap. He was brave enough to go out wearing his armour. I think he thought I could never hit him considering my size and that I was a woman.

I turned my attention from him to another knight. He wasn't as big as the first knight but big enough to throw me on his shoulder. This time, he was the one lunging to me ready to take me down. But using every strength I had in my body, I knocked his sword out of his hand and quickly jumped on him making he fell on the ground and making it easier for me to pin him down with my armour. Thinking that I should not make it easy for any of them, I took my sword and rest it on his chin. Not deep enough to bleed or leave a scar but enough to make him hold his breath.

I was too focused on him I forgot there was another unharmed and strong knight was waiting patiently to fight me. The second I stood up from pinning the second knight down, he ran and knocked the sword from my grasp.

I sucked a breath.

I was weaponless. I only had my armour. I can already saw mixed emotions from the minister and the royals. Smirks, gasp and whimpers were heard. I cannot kick his knees like the time I did to the prince because he wasn't holding me from behind. He got his sword in front of him and his armour securely on his arm.

In split seconds, I look up to look at the prince. He was staring at me. He didn't look scared or nervous for me. He couldn't open his mouth. He nodded at me.

I knew what he meant. He believed in me and he knows I could figure my way out of that situation. Even though I was blank at that moment. I couldn't think of a way to get myself out. I forced my brain to remember everything Harry taught me.

When I saw the knight was coming my way, I used my fist to punch his throat and block his breathing for a few seconds to give me time to take my sword from the ground and it worked. I got my sword back and my spirit came back.

I fought them one by one. Giving everything I had. They were nice enough not to attack me all at the same time. But they did not make it easy for me. Not once. They treated me like how they would to their enemy on the field.

We stopped when we heard the king said "You can stop now." loud and clear for everyone to hear.

Then it was silence for a few minutes. I could only hear my heavy, exhausted breath.

"You did well, Evelyn." I smiled and closed my eyes. I thought I won. I could finally help my mother and my villagers. But oh, I was wrong.

"There will be a jousting tournament tomorrow in Navaeh. Each kingdom will send their best knight and you will join it. If you win, only then I will decide if you deserve to be Navaeh's knight. That is all." then he left without looking back.

Everyone went silent. Princess Gemma was covering his mouth with her hands, a shocking face on her. The queen didn't really have any emotion on her face as she too, stood up to follow her husband. James and Ed both had their mouth open. Clearly shocked by the news. Minister Farrington looked at me. He was speechless.

I didn't dare to look at the prince. So I did the easiest thing I could, I walked away.


THANKS FOR READINGi love you, you've made my day ♡

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