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(Harry's POV)

I woke up rather late today. Rubbing my eyes and feeling like going back to sleep but I knew I couldn't. I had too much stuff to do. Yesterday was a lot. I was still in my thoughts when the door was opened and I was greeted from a face that was way too cheerful for that hour. Plus he was at work.

"Morning morning." He said in a high pitch's voice. I groaned and covered my face on the pillow. I knew he was up for something. He was never that happy to serve me.

"Wake up! You woke up later than usual already." he picked up some of my dirty clothes from the floor and 'accidentally' slap me with my trouser.

"Leave me alone!" groaning for the thousands time that day.

"If I leave you then you won't be able to read what dear Lady Evelyn wrote for you. Oh, what a shame!" I stood up too quickly I almost fell. He was holding a letter in his finger, grinning.

"She wrote back?!" I asked shockingly. I was only hoping she'd write back. I was ecstatic that she indeed, wrote back. Faster than I could ask for, to be honest. Now I know why James was way too happy that morning. He nodded and handed me that letter.

"Can I see what she wrote?" James tried to look while I was opening the fold.

"No! Go grab me some banana or something." I pushed him.

"But you hate bananas!" He argued. "Then go help your mother or something."

"Who's going to prepare your bath?" "I can do it myself. Now go!" He knew I can get ready myself. He was just making excuses to stay and bother me. He laughed and told me he'll be in his chamber when I finished.

Once he left I open the letter quickly and sat on my bed.

Dear Prince Harry,

Thank you for writing. It was a nice surprise to be receiving a letter from you. Never thought your handwriting would be so neat. Too neat to be honest. It's getting suspicious. Or did you asked James to write the letter? But I bet his handwriting is worst than mine! But anyway, how are you? I hope you're fine. I'm surprisingly fine. Ed has been taking such good care of me. I might fall sick every month so I can lay on my bed all day and have him taking care of me. Kidding! I have way too much stuff to do. My bruise is healing. It sucks not to sleep on my back but it's for a quick recovery after all. The quicker this bruise heal, the quicker I get to see everyone. Harry, you didn't break your promises. I am still here, alive and writing back a letter for you.

Oh by the way, can you find me fluffy goat by any chance?



I rest my head on the headboard. Closing my eyes with a smile on my face. Even in the letter, she managed to make me smile and laugh just by talking about handwriting. I wasn't sure what power she had over me that made me forgot about the real world whenever I was around her.

It was safe to say I had fallen for her. My feelings for her was way too strong. I didn't want to be stupid by saying she was different. But she was. All my life, I've been surrounded by the same thing. Same rules. Same orders. Same followings. My life was black and white. I've met hundreds of women, princesses who had the same rules and orders. Both in the same league or environment as me. There was never excitement in my life. Something that changes my perspective. My views on things. My views on my kingdom's rules.

She came and changed everything. A girl with a heart of gold. She was brave enough to change the rule. Brave enough to train in something her gender population wouldn't even dare to think about. Brave enough to go out there and fight a born knight just to hopefully become one. She would die to protect her family and she almost did.

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