Chapter 3

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"So, you never answered my question," Waverly began. "How come I've never seen you here before? How come I never knew Purgatory had a token...uh...ginger?" Waverly smiled and gave Nicole a wink with her slight attempt at teasing. Yeah, teasing. Definitely not flirting. Because that would be weird.

Nicole's sweet voice dismantled her thoughts, "Well technically, you don't. Not yet, anyway. Besides, I didn't say I was your town's token...ginger...I just said I was a token ginger. In my town, or any town in these parts, for that matter."

Waverly could have sworn there was a tinge of sadness in last statement and her heart saddened a little for Nicole. Nicole Haught. Well the name certainly did suit her.

"I was just here for the weekend," Nicole continued.

Waverly looked at Nicole, wide eyes questioning and imploring her to continue.

"A potential job opportunity. I was here to meet with the Sheriff, Sheriff-"

"Nedley? Waverly cut her off. "I know him. His daughter Chrissy is my best friend. Impressive. Champ has been trying to get in there for years. He'll lose his mind if he finds out he lost out on that job again. To a girl no less." Waverly looked Nicole up and down quickly and smiled, "I mean, woman."

Now it was Nicole's turn to blush. "Why thank you," Nicole said as she smiled brightly. Part of her felt embarrassed by the way Waverly said the word woman, but the rest of her filled with pride that she could possibly take something away from Champ. She didn't know why that pleased her so much. She didn't even know Champ. But she knew guys like him. And if she was really honest with herself, she hoped that wouldn't be the only thing she took from Champ Hardy. "Speaking of Champ," Nicole gritted out, "won't he be wondering where you are? I mean, if Waverly Earp were my better half I'd want her by my side every chance I got. I'd even have my own permanent stool at Shorty's." Nicole mentally high-fived herself for regaining her confidence and swagger.

"Wait, how do you know where I work?" Waverly, suddenly suspicious, questioned.

And it's gone again. Damn, if this girl didn't short-circuit my brain! Nicole sheepishly looked down to the ground and roughly rubbed the back of her neck. "Yeah, well, umm." Nicole raised her eyes to meet Waverly's, feeling like a kid who got caught with her hand in the cookie jar. "Sheriff Nedley brought me by Shorty's this afternoon to point out some of the locals. I don't remember their names...but I remembered yours." Nicole was embarrassed, afraid she came off as creepy, but when she looked at Waverly again she was smiling. A genuine smile that made her eyes sparkle.

They settled into easy conversation after that and were lost in each other for what seemed like hours. Waverly thought to herself how Nicole was smart. And funny. And charming. And stunning. Waverly berated herself a little at that last thought...uncertain as to why she thought it in the first place and more importantly, why it bothered her so much that she did.

"Earth to Waverly." Nicole was snapping her fingers in an attempt to get her attention. "Where'd you go just then? Geez...don't tell me I need to add monumentally boring to my stereotype descriptor list!"

Waverly chuckled and tapped Nicole's leg with her own absentmindedly, until the electricity she felt at the contact point jolted her. Waverly nervously chuckled, pushing that feeling aside before continuing on with her effortless conversation with Nicole.

"So tell me, Haught, why would a hotshot police academy recruit such as yourself come all the way to this town for a job interview? Why not the city? Should I be concerned? What are you hiding from?" Waverly asked, scooting ever so slightly away from Nicole in jest.

Nicole chuckled, "only if the thought of seeing me more regularly is a matter of concern. I am not hiding from anything. Not running from any secrets, and I'm not afraid of bing a little fish in a big pond. I just like the idea of a small town and well, you know."

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