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Six months later

"Well, here we are again," Nicole mused as she stared out at the horizon from Chrissy Nedley's rooftop.

"Yep, here we are again," Waverly said as she wrapped her arms around Nicole and pressed her head against Nicole's strong back. "You know," Waverly continued, her words muffled into Nicole's shirt, "It's like you're a part of me that I never even knew was missing. I felt it when we first met here. I may not have understood it, but I definitely felt it. And now that you're here I don't know how I ever existed before us. I felt empty inside except for when you were here with me. And now that I have you, I feel full. I feel whole."

Nicole spun around so she could look at Waverly. She was baring her soul to her and she just had to see that beautiful face and watch the words fall out of her mouth so she could believe this was real. Waverly's eyes were damp with mist and Nicole softly wiped the tears away before they could roll down her cheeks.

"Baby, you know I love you more than anything in this world. I don't know how I got so lucky but I feel like fate brought me to Purgatory for a reason and maybe that reason was you." Waverly was full on crying now so Nicole continued, "I mean, I always thought my fate had to do with battling crime and uncovering the truth behind these weird Purgatory urban legends but I guess you'll just have to do." She squeezed Waverly playfully and kissed the top of her head, completely oblivious to the way Waverly tensed up at the mention of Purgatory's 'urban legends'.

Waverly hated lying to Nicole about Purgatory, and the Earp curse, and her role in all of it. But what choice did she have? Wynonna would definitely kill her if she told anyone, even Nicole. But Nicole was going to figure it out. She was smart and she was a very good cop. It was only a matter of time.

"Hey, what are you thinking now," Nicole questioned, picking up on Waverly suddenly being a million miles away.

"Huh? Oh, nothing. Just thinking about you. And us. And how I'm the luckiest girl alive." Waverly lied. And really about Bobo and how we are going to take him down before he destroys the Earp heir. No biggie. You know what? Screw it. No more secrets from Nicole. I trusted her. Wynonna should, too. Waverly looked up at Nicole, "You know what? I was thinking that. But I was also thinking about the urban legends."

"Really," Nicole inquired. Surprised by the revelation. "The urban legends? Waves, I was just making a joke. I mean, this town is a little weird and definitely has it fair share of, shall we say, unusual occurrences, but I wasn't serious."

"Well, I am. So, about that-"

"Oh no, not another 'about that' thing," Nicole said in jest. But when she looked at Waverly she stopped laughing. "Waves, what is it? You know you can tell me anything, right?"

"Yeah, I know. I just, this is bigger than me. And once you know you can't un-know, and-"

Waverly's phone chirped, pulling them both out of the awkward moment. "It's Wy. Give me a second, okay?" Waverly asked Nicole as she walked out of earshot. "Hey Wy, what's up? Did Shorty's run out of whiskey or-"

"Tacos are tasty. Tacos are tasty!" Wynonna yelled into the phone. "Oh shit," Waverly mumbled in the phone before hanging up. She quickly shoved her phone in her pocket, gave Nicole a quick kiss and shouted over her shoulder as she ran towards the stairs, "Wy needs me. I'll call you later, okay? Love you, bye!"

Nicole should've been worried. Or annoyed. Or driving herself mad about the next revelation Waverly was about to drop in her lap, but she could only focus on one thing. "She said she loved me," Nicole smiled. That and Waverly was her ride home...

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