Chapter 8

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Nicole had the worst night's sleep ever. She kept replaying Waverly's words in her head. And the last part. Yeah, about that. About what? What was she going to say? Nicole placed her pillow over her face and groaned in frustration. Why does stuff like this always happen to her? Why can't she find a nice, established lesbian to settle down with? She always picks the complicated ones. Or the ones who are unsure about what they are feeling. Or, sadly it has happened more than once, the straight ones. Those are the worst, Nicole chuckled to herself. Resigned to start her day off in a good mood, Nicole dragged herself out of bed on that note and got ready for her morning run. The cold air burned her lungs, but it also let her know she was alive. It was exhilarating...and painful.

It was the last mile of her run when Nicole heard someone calling after her. She turned to see Waverly waving her down. She looked so adorable in her huge down coat, scarf up to her eyes, and fuzzy pom-pom hat. She had to have on at least two pairs of gloves, too. Nicole couldn't help but to stare a little too long as she shook her head and smiled. "Why Miss Earp, or at least I think that's you under all those layers. To what do I owe the pleasure this morning?"

"Well, I thought you were going to text about meeting up for a talk...but I haven't heard from you yet."

"Waverly, it hasn't even been 24 hours yet! Or even 12, for that matter. Did you miss me that much already?" Nicole said flirtatiously. She instantly regretted it when Waverly dropped her eyes and kicked around at the gravel at her feet.

"And if I did?" Waverly asked, still refusing to look up.

Nicole placed two fingers under Waverly's chin and tilted her head up to meet her eyes before sincerely offering, "I wouldn't complain about it."

"So, what are you doing now? I don't have to work for another hour. Maybe we could sit and talk?" Waverly was afraid to ask because she didn't want to hear Nicole rattle off the million reasons why now would not be the right time. She was so lost in her own self-doubt she almost missed Nicole's quiet "Yes" in response. "Really?" Waverly asked?

"Sure, I was almost finished with my run anyway and I don't have to be at the station until 4pm. I've got plenty of time. Where do you want to go?"

"I would say we could just walk but, screw that. It is way too cold out here, even by Purgatory standards," Waverly admitted.

Nicole started to shiver a little as her body cooled down from her run. The beads of sweat were turning to ice and giving her chills. "You're right. If we stand out here any longer I might need a whisky IV drip to warm me up! You lead the way to wherever you want and I'll long as it is warm."

Waverly bumped her shoulder into Nicole playfully as they walked down the street and stopped in front of Shorty's. "It's as good a place as any and I can guarantee you we will be the only two people in there at this early hour."

"Works for me," Nicole stated. "As long as I can get a steaming hot cappuccino I am down."

They stepped inside and it took a minute for their eyes to adjust to the dim lights. "Go grab a seat and I'll meet you there with the drinks. Be back in a jiffy," Waverly said as she disappeared into the kitchen area.

Nicole chose a booth in the back corner. Even though they had the run of the place she still wanted a little privacy. She wanted to have time to talk to Waverly and understand what was happening. Why she broke up with Champ, if that really did happen. She wanted some clarity. Was that too much to ask? At least that way maybe she could have a restful night's sleep again. Waverly returned after a few moments and took her seat across from Nicole, sitting her cappuccino in front of her while gripping a cup of hot green tea for herself. She softly blew on the tea before taking a sip, eyeing Nicole over the top of her mug. "So..."

"So." Nicole responded, waiting for Waverly to voluntarily explain what was going on.

They stared at each other for a few moments in awkward silence before Waverly finally broke and began making small talk. She asked Nicole about the move. About settling in to her job and her new place. They settled into a comfortable back and forth conversation that was almost effortless. Just like that night on the rooftop. It all felt so natural. So right. Nicole couldn't help but to smile while Waverly was rambling on about her on-line courses and the ancient languages she was fascinated with.

"What," she asked shyly when she finally noticed Nicole staring at her. She even felt her cheeks redden at the attention. Thankfully, if Nicole noticed she didn't mention it.

"Nothing," Nicole replied. "I just love listening to you talk about your passions. It's endearing." Nicole blushed and quickly gathered herself. They were both ignoring the oversized elephant in the room and as nice as this moment was, Nicole couldn't take the anticipation any longer. "So, subject change. Why'd you break up with Champ?"

"Wow, way to take a hard left and get right to it, Nicole."

"Well, Can you blame me? We have been beating around the bush the past few weeks and every time we start to get somewhere we get interrupted."

Waverly started to reach her hand across the table towards Nicole's free hand but she withdrew it quickly when they both heard a distinct throat clear that ruined the moment. They turned to see Gus standing a few feet away, trying not to eavesdrop.

"Like that," Nicole said, nodding her head towards Gus, clearly annoyed. Not at Gus, but at the situation. Maybe she wasn't supposed to know. Maybe this was the universe telling her to let it go.

"Seriously Gus? This better be important," Waverly demanded. Angry Waverly was feisty. If Nicole was being honest, it was a bit of a turn on. She was hot when she was mad.

"Sorry girls, I really didn't mean to interrupt..." Gus looked back and forth between them and got a knowing smirk on her face, "whatever this is. But I feel obliged to tell you that Champ just pulled up and is making his way into the bar. I didn't think you'd want to see him right now." She gave an apologetic smile again as she turned to walk away.

"Gus, wait," Waverly called after her, suddenly feeling guilty for how she reacted. She ran after her and gave her a hug. "Thanks! You know I love you."

"I love you, too, sweetie. Now why don't you take this conversation somewhere a little more private, huh? You can even come in a little later today, too. Just be here in time to help with the dinner rush."

Waverly leaned up on her toes and gave Gus a quick peck on the cheek. "Thanks Gus. You really are the best. I don't care what anyone says about you."

"Aw, thanks, sweetie. You really know how to make a girl feel good about herself." She gave a sarcastic laugh before trying to shoo Waverly off. "Now go. That boy will be here any minute. You best be gone before he barrels in here all full of piss and vinegar." Gus chuckled and gave Waverly a gentle shove back towards Nicole.

Waverly looked back at Gus one more time to give her a silent 'thank you' before turning back to Nicole and extending her hand to the beauty seated in front of her. Nicole gladly accepted the help out of the booth as she slid around and quickly stood so they could evade Champ's wrath. The first time he found them together could be written off as a coincidence, but a second time in as many days...not so much.

"So, Officer Haught, do you know anywhere else we could go where we can continue our conversation without being interrupted?" since I am clearly not very good at that game. Nicole hesitated, almost afraid to suggest what she was thinking. "What? You know what? Never mind. Tell me as we sneak out through the kitchen," Waverly said as she tugged on Nicole's hand that was still entwined with hers. Nicole laughed and followed Waverly through the kitchen and into the alley behind Shorty's.

"I feel like a teenager sneaking around," Nicole joked. "Only my teenaged self didn't have my own house where I could have a private conversation with an amazing woman." Nicole hesitated, not wanting to make Waverly uncomfortable. But she looked at Waverly and she almost looked like she was anticipating the invitation, which gave Nicole the confidence to continue. "So, would you like to see my home, Waverly?"

Waverly blushed again, uncertain she was ready for this conversation but knowing she had to get it over with once and for all. "Lead the way, Officer Haught."

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