Chapter 5

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6 months later

"Baby, hey baby."

Waverly felt the warmth of Nicole wrapped around her, enveloping her. Nicole's breath on her neck was a warm promise of kisses to follow. Waverly smiled, still unable to open her sleep-filled eyes and unwilling to interrupt this feeling of contentment.

"Baby." The soft, sweet voice of Nicole, her Nicole, drawing her out of her slumber. Waverly was like a nerve ending. Raw and exposed. Nicole held her. Encircled her in her warmth and made her feel safe. Possible for the first time in her life Waverly Earp felt safe. And loved. And she felt like she was home. Finally. Nicole's embrace said more than a thousand words ever could and she reveled in it. How did she get so lucky?

"Babe!" The voice morphed. It was somehow deeper. Rougher. The hint of tenderness disappearing as she stirred. "Waverly, get up", Champ demanded, "I'm hungry."

Waverly groaned, rolling over to greet the reality that was her life. The fiery red hair of her dreams became perfectly coifed short brown hair. The smooth porcelain skin became rough, hardened skin full of stubble and callouses.

Damn you, Waverly, she scolded herself as the cruel morning ripped the beautiful red-headed vision from her embrace. It was so real. It's always so real. Waverly could still feel her. Still taste her. Well, what Waverly imagined Nicole would taste like. Vanilla. That's what Waverly decided. Like a sweet, vanilla-dipped donut. Waverly placed a finger to her lips gently tracing the outline that had been kiss swollen in her dreams but now were dry and untouched.

"Waverly, come on already. You know I have to eat before I go riding."

Waverly was still lost in her thoughts, trying her best to hold onto the fantasy world she created where she actually followed her heart...where she chose Nicole...a little while longer. A fantasy where she was happy and appreciated...loved even. The thoughts faded as she dragged herself out of bed to go feed her man-child because, well, that's what she did. That's who she was. She screwed on her perfect face and did what was expected of her. It didn't matter that with every concession, every compromise, she lost another piece of herself because, in the end, she chose this. She glanced in the mirror and caught the sad stranger reflected back to her.

"I'm sorry," she sighed to herself before finally acknowledging Champ's repeated calls. "Yeah, I know Champ. One hearty breakfast coming right up."


It had been six months, Waverly thought as she willed herself out of the warmth of her car and into the comforting distraction Shorty's has become. Six. Agonizing. Months. More than 180 days since Waverly turned towards Champ. No, turned away from Nicole. And she has regretted it every second of every one of those days. She still didn't know why she did it. Fear? Maybe. Expectations. That's more likely. An inability to put herself first or believe that she deserved happiness? Definitely. Six months and still no Deputy Nicole Haught in the Sheriff's Department. She wouldn't dare ask Nedley about it for fear she might giver herself away. But surely Nicole would've graduated the academy by now. She would've moved to Purgatory by now if she decided to take the job. Which could only mean she turned it down. Who could blame her, really? Even though they had just met, Waverly got the distinct feeling she broke Nicole's heart in that final moment. Oh God, how she wished she could have a do-over.

"Face it, Waverly, that ship has sailed," she muttered to herself as she approached the entrance to Shorty's, dreading the start of her grueling Saturday shift. On the plus side, she'd be so busy she wouldn't have a spare minute to dwell on Nicole...

"Do you make it a habit of talking to yourself?" A soft voice inquired.

"Oh balls, that wasn't in my head?" Waverly asked before the realization hit her. That voice. The voice of her dreams.

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