Chapter 6

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Waverly's shift crawled along at a snail's pace despite how busy they were. 9:00 could not come soon enough for her. She's been thinking about this conversation every day for six months. Replaying it over and over every waking minute. And every minute she wasn't awake her dreams were consumed with Nicole. The warmth of Nicole's body pressed against hers and the softness of her lips. The memory of her dreams in the light of day sent a shiver down Waverly's spine and stirred a feeling deep inside. A feeling she never knew she could experience. By the time 8:30, Gus could no longer take it. Waverly might as well have stayed home because she spent more time daydreaming then she did tending bar.

"For the love of God, Waverly. Just go already. You're of no use to me here like this anyway."

Waverly beamed and kissed Gus on the cheek, not even embarrassed by her lack of attention all shift. "Are you sure? Really sure?"

"It's only a half hour. I'll be fine. Go. Chase your dreams for once in your life." Waverly didn't even wait for Gus to finish her sentence before she was around the bar and out the door. Gus just shook her head and chuckled quietly. She had never seem Waverly like this and, honestly, she was scared she never would. Gus shook her head before turning back to the mob of customers that seemed to appear out of nowhere. "Ok boys, settle down. One at a time..."


Waverly quietly slipped into the door of the Sheriff's Department as old Mr. Jackson meandered out. Waverly chuckled silently, actually feeling bad for Nicole, who probably had ear fatigue from listening to Mr. Jackson rant about "those rascals that wreak havoc on his property." She made her way down the hall to the front desk but stopped short when she heard music softly playing. Waverly strained her ear, getting lost in the sweet, melodic sounds.

She keeps me warm.

She keeps me warm

Waverly didn't recognize the song so she kept listening.

What's your middle name?

Do you hate your job?

Do you fall in love too easily?

What's your favorite word?

You like kissing girls?

Can I call you baby?

Waverly blushed as the meaning of the song hit her. She took a minute to gather herself, making a mental note to check out the lyrics later, before turning the corner and making her presence known. Nicole jumped a little, shocked she didn't hear Waverly come in.

"Geez, what are you, some kind of ninja?" Nicole asked as she quickly turned off her music.

"No, don't turn it off," Waverly requested with a shy smile, "It's a beautiful song."

Nicole was slightly embarrassed at being caught listening to the song, but it quickly faded as she turned it back on and watched Waverly close her eyes and sway mindlessly back and forth with the melody. Nicole was staring. She knew it. But in the moment she just didn't care. Her common sense kicked in before she was fully entranced, however, and Nicole shut off the song again, grabbing Waverly's attention.

"Why'd you turn it off?" Waverly innocently inquired. Clearly unaware of the affect she was having on Nicole. Coupled with that music, Nicole didn't' stand a chance.

"Umm, sorry. I just-" Nicole tried to quickly think of a plausible explanation that didn't involve the feelings that were swirling deep within her, "So, what did you want to talk about?" Nicole silently face-palmed herself. Smooth Nicole. Really smooth. "I mean, we probably only have a few minutes before someone else needs the assistance of Purgatory's finest and I wanted to give you my undivided attention." Not a great recovery, but it would have to do.

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