Chapter 7

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Waverly verbally berated herself the entire way home. What was she thinking? Seriously. She was still with Champ. And she didn't even understand what was going on so how could she possibly explain it to anyone else? Much less the source of her confusion and torment? Thank goodness Waverly could get herself home in her sleep because she was so focused on her thoughts she didn't even remember pulling onto the Homestead. Wow, props to autopilot of the mind! Waverly barreled through the door, still so lost in her thoughts she was completely oblivious to Wynonna and Doc bickering in the kitchen. She made it halfway up the stairs before Wynonna called out to her.

"Hey, baby girl. What are you doing here? I figured you'd stay at Champs, what with the late shift at Shorty's and all." Wynonna rolled her eyes at the mention of Champ, but Waverly chose to be with him so she did her best to keep the insults to a minimum.

"Oh, yeah. Well, I just felt like being home, that's all. I wanted to be in my bed tonight," Waverly softly replied, trying not to draw any more attention to herself.

"Hey! Did he do something? Because so help me, if that little man-child hurt you...again...let's just say he'll wish he hadn't." Wynonna subconsciously stroked peacemaker as she made her not-so-thinly veiled threat. "Just say the word baby girl. Christmas would come early for me!"

This caused Waverly to laugh in spite of herself. No matter what, she could always count on Wynonna. "I promise, Wy. I'm just really tired and didn't want any, um, distractions. I'm just going to head up now, okay? Good night. Love you."

Wynonna gave her a curious look but chose not to press it. Instead, she suspiciously watched Waverly drag herself up the remaining stairs and into her room, softly closing the door behind her.

Waverly just wanted to forget this night and sleep. The problem with that was sleep never brought her reprieve from Nicole. In fact, it did the complete opposite.


It had been days. Ten days, to be exact, since Waverly started to say something insightful, something important, or at least that was what Nicole assumed. Ten days before she stopped mid-sentence, bolted from the station, and avoided Nicole like the plague ever since. She just didn't get it. She was respecting Waverly's wishes. She was keeping boundaries and trying really hard to do this friend thing. Okay, maybe she flirted a little. Maybe she had some more than friendly thoughts about the beautiful brunette. But she never crossed the line. Did she? Nicole didn't even know anymore. But she had to have done something to keep Waverly away. "Ah, screw it, Haught. Just get over it already and focus on what's in front of you."

"Screw what? And what is in front of you requiring your focus?" Someone asked from the other side of the counter.

Nicole nearly jumped out of her chair before turning to see the source of the question. The universe had a twisted sense of humor, didn't it? Nicole thought to herself as she stared at none other than Waverly Earp...right in front of her. "You heard that? I'm so sorry. I didn't realize you were here. Or anyone was here, for that matter. You really should stop sneaking up on me," Nicole cracked, but there was no humor in her voice.

Waverly smiled half-heartedly, still a little embarrassed about actively avoiding Nicole. And, believe me, in a small town like Purgatory that was no easy feat. "Sorry. The bells I ordered haven't arrived yet."

Nicole softened and hesitantly approached the counter, closing the distance between them while still remaining safely on the other side of the barrier. "So, Miss Earp, what brings you by? I haven't seen you in a little while. I was beginning to wonder if you were alright. Or if you ran off and eloped or something." Please don't let that be the reason she's been avoiding me!

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