Chapter 9

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Nicole only lived a few blocks from Shorty's, so the walk was bearable despite the biting cold. It was a cute place but Waverly could tell Nicole hadn't had a chance to make it her own yet. There was mismatched furniture and old farm style tables mixed with modern Ikea dressers. Even the pillows seemed to be a menagerie of tastes and styles. Nicole caught Waverly sizing up the contents and leaned over to whisper in her ear, "don't judge came furnished." She walked away, leaving Waverly frozen in her tracks. Nicole chuckled as she continued into the kitchen, "Can I get you anything," she yelled as she poked her had back around the corner.

"Wa-, um, water," Waverly managed to eke out. The warmth she felt on her neck from Nicole's breath also seemed to make her throat as dry as a desert. She finally managed to walk over to the couch and take a seat, hugging one of the plush throw pillows for comfort. Or support. Or as a distraction. She wasn't really sure. She just knew it felt good in her arms so she hugged it tightly. As she looked up, she saw Nicole leaning against the door frame holding two bottles of water. Those damned dimples! They will be the death of me.

Nicole knew that look on Waverly's face. It was a cross somewhere between terror and...desire. But it couldn't be, right? Nicole really didn't want to get her hopes up and be wrong. But was she wrong? She pondered that last thought as she sat on the couch, facing Waverly while tucking one leg under her. She handed her the water and Waverly gulped it down, hoping it would quench the dryness. It didn't...


Waverly looked up, meeting those warm chocolate eyes and finding confidence in them. "Can I see your phone?"

"What?" Nicole was thoroughly confused. "My phone? Uh sure, I guess."

"Don't look at me like that, I'm not crazy," Waverly feigned offense as she reached out to accept Nicole's phone. Their fingers brushed again and Waverly nearly dropped the phone at the contact. She still couldn't get past the electricity Nicole's touch generated. "Um, you didn't unlock it."

"1010," Nicole responded without any hesitation.

Waverly punched in the code absentmindedly before looking back at Nicole. "You just gave it to me that easily?"

"Sure, why not," Nicole mused. "I've got nothing to hide, anyway." Nicole watched as Waverly scrolled through her phone, curious as to what this could possibly be about. What on Earth was Waverly doing?

Waverly continued to search with a purpose. She had to find that song. This was the best way to convey her feelings, once and for all. She found Nicole's music playlists and as she searched among the titles, wading through the workout playlists and the 'chill' playlists, something caught her eye.


There was a playlist titles Waves? "Oh, Nicole," she whispered. She couldn't help it. It just escaped with her breath.

Nicole's head popped up and suddenly, she remembered. She remembered the playlist she made the night she met Waverly. Shit! Shit, shit, shit. How could you be so stupid!

It was the way Waverly said it. Oh, Nicole. Nicole couldn't tell if it was in a romantic, heart-melting kind of way or if it was in a pitiful, 'you hopelessly smitten lesbian with a straight girl' kind of way. Nicole buried her head in her hands, completely mortified. She couldn't stand the thought of Waverly thinking she was creepy. Or pathetic. She had to try to explain herself. But when she looked up, Waverly was still facing away from her, staring at the phone and completely oblivious to Nicole's mini panic attack.

Waverly opened the playlist and her heart fluttered a little as she started to scroll through. The song had to be in there. She just knew it. She took her time, though, inventorying every song.

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