Chapter 3

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"So," I cleared my throat after coughing. "We have a location, we have a venue, we have a date and time, all that's left is the catering."

"I was thinking Bites and Bashes," Colby said, pulling it up on the laptop. "They've got a bunch of different options including bar tending, and deserts. All the reviews I read were very positive, mostly everyone was happy with their experience. The few negative ones were mostly little things like one dish didn't end up showing up, but it ended up not being a big deal anyways. They offer vegan options too, and I know Tara is pescatarian, so she might appreciate that."

I nodded as I looked through their advertisement. "Yeah no this is great. When you call, make sure you ask about pricing. I wanna see how much this wedding comes to."

"With your paycheck I don't think we have to worry," He teased. I rolled my eyes.

"Just do it, I'd rather keep track of how much is being spent. And for the record, most of my paychecks go to charities."

"I know," He smiled, kissing my cheek. Kat bounded downstairs.

"Ready to go? Tara is finishing up. Devyn's gonna meet us there," She asked, leaning into me. I smiled.

"Yeah I'm ready, just say the word and we'll go."

"Word," Tara piped up from the stairs. "Let's go before we miss your appointment."

"Right." I checked the time and stood up. I was finally feeling better as the infection cleared up. The antibiotics were working, which I was glad about, I was scared about having to cancel the appointment because of being sick. 

I kissed Colby's cheek. "Love you, see you later."

"Love you, too. Be safe."

Tara, Kat, and I all piled into Kat's car. She drove us to the bridal shop, when she parked I could feel excitement flourishing in my chest. I'm here to get a DRESS for my WEDDING. It all seemed too surreal to believe. 

"But literally your name is going to be Brooke Brock, that is hilarious to me," Tara laughed. 

"You're telling me?" I laughed. "It's going to be MY name."

"It's like the universe planned this," Kat giggled, killing the engine. We climbed out and walked in, and were surprised to see Devyn was already here. She looked up when we walked in and hurried over to me, hugging me.

"I'm so excited to be doing this with you!" She squealed. I laughed.

"Me too! I can't believe this is real life."

"Well it is," She hugged me tight again before an older woman walked up.

"Hi, are you girls the 3 o'clock appointment?" She asked and we all nodded. She put her hand out to me and I shook it politely.

"It's lovely to meet you like this, Brooke, my daughter is a huge fan," She grinned. I grinned back.

"Aw that's so sweet!"

"You can call me Gina, I'll be helping you choose your dress today," She explained. We proceeded to go over what I was looking for in a wedding dress. I explained that we're going to have a beach wedding, so I wanted something that would suit the occasion. Flowy, not heavy like a ballgown dress. Something loose fitting and easy to maneuver in for the reception afterwards.

"Okay, so we have a few dresses that you're thinking of. I'll take you over to where they are, we can pick out a few, and you'll try them on until you find the perfect one," She explained and I nodded.

One Thing Right -Sequel to The Best of Our Love(Colby Brock)Where stories live. Discover now