Chapter 51

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I sat with the others in Brooke's new room. She's still getting the c-section done. The first baby got whisked away to get taken care of, they got her wrist band on so they knew who to bring her back to and swore I'd see her soon. 

I wasn't allowed in the OR with Brooke. The second they cut into her I passed out. Someone pulled me out and got me to wake up and I've been waiting in here since. It hasn't been long, only a few minutes, but I'm losing my mind. Something happened to Brooke and now her life and the baby's life is in danger.

"What if-"

"Don't." Sam stopped me, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Don't even think it."

"Sam I can't do this." My voice broke as I said this. "I can't lose her and the baby. I can't live through that."

"You aren't going to lose them," Sam stated firmly. 

"You don't know that."

"I do," He said, eyeing me. "She's not going down without a fight. She loves these girls more than life, she's going to fight."

I held my head and Sam hugged me. "It's gonna be okay, I promise."

Every minute felt like an hour. Every sound was like a gunshot to me. I was tense. My sense were on overtime waiting to hear about Brooke and the baby. Mom and Sky are in the waiting area to hear about Brooke, I'm waiting here for the first baby with the others. 

Kat rubbed my back gently. "Deep breaths, Colby. Deep breaths."

I tried to focus on my breathing like she said. Deep breaths. If I lose it then I can't be there for Brooke, now more than ever I have to keep myself together. 

The sounds of the hospital was killing me. My head was spinning and my stomach was churning. Every baby cry made me jump and ever door made me look up. But the door to the room I was in didn't budge. 

Until it did. Mom rushed in and I almost fell trying to get to my feet.


"She's okay."

I almost fell again when she said the words I wanted to hear.

"The baby?" Kat asked.

Mom nodded. "They both made it."

"Where?" I asked. 

"They're on their way now-"

I got to my feet and ran out, looking down the hall. I could see them at the end wheeling Brooke my way. I raced down to get to her side, she was awake now. She reached a hand up when I approached.

"Hey," I greeted softly, taking her hand. She managed a smile.


"Can't scare me like that baby. You know that."

"Where..." She mumbled, looking around.

"Do you know what happened?" She shook her head. "It's okay we'll talk about it in a minute."

"The babies," She croaked. "Where are they?"

"They're okay. Don't worry, they're with the doctors."

She nodded. "Thank God..."

They wheeled her into her room and they went over her recovery. She can't move too much the next couple of weeks, and will need help getting around when need be. No heavy lifting for the next 6 weeks, nothing over 15 pounds. Her stitches will go away on their own so she won't have to come back to get them removed. She did rip, but it wasn't too bad thankfully she only needed a couple stitches for that.

One Thing Right -Sequel to The Best of Our Love(Colby Brock)Where stories live. Discover now