Chapter 34

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I almost tripped over the last couple of stairs trying to get to him. His eyes were wide as he looked at me. I cupped his face in my hands, and almost instantly started sobbing. Colby was crying too.

"What the hell, Brooke?" He gasped between sobs. I looked at his wrists and was horrified at the blood and bruising around them. I quickly grabbed my keys and used the edge of my house key to rip against the zip ties, but it didn't do much. I looked around the room desperately.

"There's a closet behind you," Colby instructed, nodding his head in the direction. I ran to the closet he mentioned, and yanked the door open. I rummaged around before finding scissors in a bag on the top shelf, I also found gauze bandaging and peroxide so I grabbed that too. I ran back over to Colby and cut the zip ties off of his ankles then his wrists. He whimpered at the pain from his wrists but seemed to relieved to have them off. 

Before I could do anything else he jumped up and wrapped his arms around me. We both almost fell over from the amount of force he used but using the strength I had left I kept him upright, my arms wrapped tight around his middle. His whole body was trembling and I don't think it was nerves. He seemed weak and tired--not that I'm surprised.

He pulled back and held my face in his hands, he was sobbing as badly as I was. He almost couldn't get his words out.

"What the hell were you thinking!?" He yelled, his voice breaking. "You could have been killed!"

"I was thinking about you!" I yelled back, smacking his chest. "You fucking idiot! You scared the ever living shit out of me!"

His arms wrapped around me again and he held the back of my head. "I know...I know...I'm sorry."

I sobbed into his chest, clinging to his shirt like it was my life line. He's alive, and in my arms again. My shattered heart was slowly building back together but I could still feel the weight of the last 3 days sitting heavily on my chest. Colby finally ran out of strength and had to sit down again. I pulled back a bit to kiss him. He returned the kiss until I pulled back to trace his cheeks with my thumbs.

"No more Ubers okay?" I told him. He laughed tearfully but nodded.

"Yeah, agreed."

I leaned back and poured the peroxide over one of his wrists and he yanked it back crying out in pain. It's worse than I thought. I pulled his arm back.

"I know baby, I'm sorry," I whispered. I used the sleeve of my sweater to help clean the would out and get rid of the dried blood and dirt. I could see the cuts and the bruising better now. No sign of infection, but it was overly irritated from rubbing against the zip ties. The bruising was turning a green and purple color. He's definitely gonna need these looked at. 

I wrapped his wrists as best I could then checked his ankles. It seems his jeans really helped prevent any abrasions cause his ankles looked fine. Now...his head. I was scared to see this one. His face was pale which told me he'd lost a lot of blood. 

I carefully unwrapped the bandaging around his head. At least his kidnappers were kind enough to wrap the wound. After removing the bandaging I shone my phone light over it and had to stop myself from sobbing again. It wasn't good. And definitely looked infected. It was a graze along his temple and reaching just past his hairline. Carefully, I lifted my hand to move some of his hair out of the way. He winced but didn't pull away. 

"He shot you," I whispered. Colby managed a nod.

"Just grazed me thankfully," He gasped through the pain. I sucked my lip into my mouth and gently poured the peroxide into his wound.

One Thing Right -Sequel to The Best of Our Love(Colby Brock)Where stories live. Discover now