Chapter 6

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I was pacing back and forth in our room, anxiously thinking about everyone visiting. They fly in this afternoon, and Colby is going to get them so I don't stress vomit all over the inside of the car. Not only was I meeting Alex for the first time, Colby and I are telling them I'm pregnant and every worst case scenario is racing through my head.

"Babe if you don't sit down I'm gonna throw up," Colby groaned. He grabbed my arms and pulled me down next to him.

"I'm stressing," I told him, bouncing my leg and picking at my lip. He smacked my hand away from my mouth and put his hand on my knee.

"Stop stressing, it's bad for you, it's bad for the baby, and it's bad for my stomach," He stated. "You have nothing to worry about. It's going to be okay."

"When do your parents and brother get here?" I asked.

"I'll have enough time to drop off your family then run back and get them."

"So you're leaving me ALONE with them?" I questioned, horrified. "That's a horrible idea!"

"Which is why I made sure Kat will be here to keep your head on straight," He assured, patting my knee again. "You're going to be fine. If you don't calm down I'm getting you a xanax."

"First of all, we don't have xanax in the house, second, that will do more damage to the baby than my stress will," I retorted. He laughed and kissed my head.

"You're gonna be fine, I promise."

Finally the time came for Colby to run out and pick up my family. I had to stay back cause we'd have to take two cars if we both went to get them, and I'm too freaked out to drive so Colby offered. I stood in the entry way with Kat, who's arm was around my shoulders, watching as Colby pulled his shoes on.

"You don't have to see me off," He laughed. "I'll be back within the hour."

"I'm not seeing you off, the baby is," I lied. He raised an eyebrow at me in doubt. "Okay I'm just nervous."

"Don't be," Kat said next to me. "This is your family we're talking about here. You have to at least be excited to see your dad and Sky." 

I nodded a bit. "Yeah...I am." 

Colby walked over and pecked my lips, his hand lingering on my waist. I leaned into him, wrapping my arms around him. He chuckled a bit.

"Brooke, I gotta go. I love you, I'll see you soon."

I reluctantly let him go. He placed a hand on my cheek a moment before nodding to Kat and walking out the door. I started pacing nervously as soon as the door shut. They're going to be here in less than an hour and I have to keep my mouth shut until Colby can get his family here too. 

"Okay, you need to relax," Kat chuckled, grabbing my shoulders and leading me to the kitchen. 

"What if they get mad? What if Stella hates me?" I rambled. She started digging through fridge listening to my rambling. 

I gasped. "What if Colby's mom hates me?"

"Why in the world would she hate you?" Kat asked in wonder, turning to look at me. "Seriously. You'd be carrying her first grandchild, I feel like all she'll do is coddle you."

"But what if she DOESN'T."

"Oh my God," She laughed a bit, closing the fridge. She handed me a glass of water and went to the microwave to heat up some food. 

"What if, Katrina?" I asked, mildly irritated. 

She turned the microwave on and turned to me. "I'm your best friend, and I love you, so I'm gonna be fully honest here. You are thinking way too much into the situation, and you're jumping to the worst case scenario again. You wanna know what I think? I think everyone is going to be super excited to know that you're pregnant."

One Thing Right -Sequel to The Best of Our Love(Colby Brock)Where stories live. Discover now