Chapter Four

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"Peter, you're three minutes late from your lunch break. Care to explain?" Meredith crossed her arms as she stood before him. She'd found his secret entrance and she wasn't happy about it.

"I was helping with a break in. I was getting lunch and I just happened to hear it—" He stopped talking when she opened her mouth to speak.

"What did I tell you about prioritizing your real life?" She tilted her head to the side at him. He sighed and nodded.

"I know, I know. I just didn't think it would take me that long. But their weapons are a little more advanced. I'm telling you, we should be worried. Things are getting crazier by the second out there, ever since I put Fisk in jail. Maybe he was right." He tried to convince her and reason with her. She sighed.

"The police will handle it. You can be Spider-Man in your free time, not when you have to be at work." She pointed her finger at him. "You've been doing so good the past few weeks, don't start slipping now. You're getting paid well, and you're already getting promoted. And it's not because I favor you, it's because you're an exceptional scientist. You could have a significant and promising future if you just prioritize correctly and have some responsibility for once."

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry, I just thought I could get it done and make it to work on time. It won't happen again." He put his hands up in surrender. She was getting on his last nerve. Didn't she understand the importance of protecting people? It's especially pressing when they have access to such dangerous technology and weapons nowadays. He didn't know how they were getting their hands on this stuff.

"It better not. Head down and get to work, I have a new task for you." She urged him in what she saw as the right direction. He headed down to the Science Department and got to work. After a little while, Peter sat down and checked his phone. Martin Li was calling him. He gave it an odd look before he answered.


"Peter! It's Martin Li. I just wanted to let you know we need a little extra time to get set for May's party— I guess the cake delivery is stuck in traffic."

"Oh, sure thing. Just let me know when you're ready and I'll swing by."

"Great. Talk to you soon!" He clicked off. Peter let out a sigh. He'd be lying if he said he hadn't forgotten about the party amongst the midst of things. They were throwing a surprise party for May at F.E.A.S.T. for all the hard work she does for that place. When taking into consideration how much work she does there, it's evident to Peter that she and him are the same. After his parents and Uncle Ben died, both of them do whatever they can to help people in need. They put their heart and soul into their work and dedicate all their time to it. Just in different ways. Once work was over, Peter swung over to F.E.A.S.T. and made his way inside from the door on the roof. He headed to the kitchen, where Martin was getting ready for the party. As soon as he saw Peter, he gave him a bright smile. They kept their voices down in order to prevent May from hearing them.

"Martin, hey. So sorry I'm late—"

"You're right on time." He cut him off. He was moving boxes. Both of them glanced over to make sure May didn't hear them. "Just keep her distracted while we get everything ready."

"You got it." Peter nodded. He headed over to May and snuck up behind her. "Hey! There's my favorite Aunt!"

"Peter!" She exclaimed as she turned to see his smiling face standing behind her. She'd only seen him once within the last couple of weeks since he got the job at Stark Industries. And even though she hadn't seen him much at all before then, she could still tell he had been having a hard time. She wished he'd just open up to her about it, but she knew he wouldn't. He never did, but she couldn't force it. She knew she had to let him come to her on his own. "What a nice surprise."

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