Chapter Sixteen

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Vulture brought him up and dropped him onto the roof of a building. One that Electro hovered over. He fought to free himself from the ropes wrapped around him. "The plans failed?"

"Softened him up." Vulture replied to Electro. "Time for plan B."

Electro smiled and nodded. He sent some electricity flying his way, but Peter managed to free himself in time to dodge. Well, this was going to be fun. "Teamwork's beautiful, ain't it? Helpin' ya reach those unattainable goals— like killin' Spider-Man!"

Peter rolled his eyes. He was supposed to be the one making stupid banter, not the other way around. These guys really were confident in their plans, weren't they? It only made Peter more motivated to stop them. He had to wait until he used enough of his power to tire himself out, then he'd zip over to him and get some hits on him. "That was almost heart-warming, Electro. You really grew in prison, didn't you?"

He knocked him down, and the same cycle repeated. There were transformers around overloading with electricity. Just like at the precinct, Peter overheated it by using his web shooters on it. That weakened him. He cried out as his flying faltered. "V, you're up!"

"Yo, Adrian, it's me, Spider-Man!" Peter mocked a popular character.

"What are you babbling on about?" He groaned.

"No one ever gets my jokes... except Holland." He muttered the last bit to himself. He swung off the building he was on, quickly dodging out of the way of Vulture.

"Our long feud ends tonight, insect!" He yelled. Peter webbed onto him from behind and started landing some hits on him.

"Feud? Thought we had a healthy give-and-take! Man, have I misread this relationship." Peter replied in a strained voice and he punched him around. Vulture flew off, and Peter watched him closely as he swung around. He dodged his hit again, then webbed onto him. He punched him several times, throwing him back. Electro appeared, then.

"Spider-Man! I must break you!" He yelled. He charged up the electricity in his fists.

"You got it! You got my joke! I'm so happy I could almost stop fighting! Almost!" Peter yelled, genuinely excitedly. He dodged out of the way of Electro's strike of electricity, then dodged out of the way of Vulture. They were trying to make things hard for him now, but he was doing fine. Peter punched Vulture multiple times, then dodged Electro's electricity again. He shot multiple webs at him, then dodged Vulture behind him using his senses. He took out another transformer, knocking Electro back. That made him angry. He drew lots of power and lunged after Peter, but he managed to dodge. Good thing he had his tingle, otherwise he'd literally be toast. Electro knocked into a column, and in a split second, Peter webbed onto it and threw it at Electro. He then webbed onto objects on either side of him and launched himself forward, harshly kicking into the piece of debris he was attempting to hold back. Peter looked up to see Vulture coming at them. He jumped off the debris at the last minute, and Vulture sent them flying. Then has the audacity to say...

"He doesn't stand a chance!" Peter rolled his eyes at that. He shot webs at Electro who was floating into the sky. He zipped over to him and began taking him out.

"Again, hate to be a pessimist, but I don't think you guys are assessing this situation accurately." Peter commented, swinging himself around to dodge the electricity. He threw himself up into the sky and webbed both Vulture and Electro. He went after them, then. He continued like that for a while. Do these guys ever come up with any other tactics? Well, what's he complaining about? It makes things easier for him. Finally, Peter knocked Electro down. He webbed his hands onto the ground. One down, one to go. All of Vulture's talk made him easy to take down too. They were tired after all that fighting. That was the thing about Peter, he didn't get fatigued. He swung down over to Electro and took the communicator out of his ear.

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