1 whelve

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- (v.) to bury something deep, to hide

)  to bury something deep, to hide

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eddie was in love with richie.
and not just a crush, properly in love. everytime the raven haired boy smiled, he felt flowers bloom up in his chest and butterflies in his tummy.

but he can not ever tell anyone. let alone richie.
because eddie kaspbrak is not gay.
it's not because you like boys you're automatically gay, right?

even if you want to stare into a boy's eyes forever and hold his hand and tell him about the stars, it does not mean you're gay, right?

that's what eddie kaspbrak kept telling himself. he got up in the morning, looked in the mirror and whispered :'not.gay.'

he brushed his teeth while thinking 'i'm not gay.'

he got to school on his bike, truly believing that there was no way he was gay.

until richie showed up.

richie with his glasses that make him look like an insect, his inappropriate jokes, the freckles decorating his cheecks like stars fill the sky, his beautiful brown eyes that seem like big pools of honey in the right lightening and hi-

'EDDIE! i swear, this kid is unbelievable'

'g-guh-give him a break, stan'

'why? he's daydreaming whilst i'm telling him about something very important!'


'great! now i can't finish!'

'd-duh-don't worry suh-stan, next b-break, okay?'

'c'mon billy boy! pip pip 'n tally-ho, off to .... math!!', richie's voice breaks the tension between the friends.

eddie's head immeadiatly bops up, and there he is: the boy that drives him crazy. he was wearing a black shirt that was two sizes too big and baggy jeans. other people probably would've thought he looked tacky, but eddie? no no, he thought the boy looked gorgeous. the sunlight hit his face just right, there were millions of freckles on his cheecks, what eddie would d-

'my oh my! eddie spaghetti can't get enough of the hot boy standing in front of him!'

eddie immediatly got red in the face, and managed to splutter out a :
' no, you wish tozier! you're disgusting honestly'

'that's not what your mom told me last night!'

'why richie? just why? that's disgusting like w-'

'guh-guys, second p-period h-has started for l-l-like three muh-minutes'

'SHIT! let's go you idiots!', stand looked at richie and eddie :'if you two would stop the constant flirting, we'd always be on time! geez, just ask him out already!'

that left both boys flustered.


hiii everyone and welcome to this cute reddie story!

I'm very well-aware of the fact that the fandom is dying, but I still adore reddie and IT with everything in me, so I shall keep writing fan fictions 'till the day i die. PERIODT


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